
Why don't you accept evolution?

by Guest66916  |  earlier

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is it a religion thing? are there any secular people who don't believe in evolution?




  1. I don't believe the theory. There are too many holes in it and it requires too much faith, especially in the smarts of man. Various parts have been proven wrong in the past and yet the believers still cling to it.

  2. I don't believe in it b/c it doesn't make as much sense as religion. I just don't feel comfortable w/it. People can explain away anything if they try hard enough.

  3. I believe in evolution, but let's be clear. Evolution is not a proven fact, it is a theory.

  4. I absolutely believe in evolution, and it is proven. Survival of the fittest has been proven by looking at moths in the city. the darker grayer moths have a stronger chance of surviving and producing offspring.

    Using your argument, how do we know stars exist or that the sun runs on thermonuclear power. We can't touch the stars so how do we know that they are distant suns? How do we know that dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago. What proof do we have? Can we call fossilized bones actual proof. The Bible says that the Earth is merely a couple of thousand years old.

    Then again, how do we know that the Bible (Torah, and Koran) are nothing more than human creations. Do we have any proof that God had anything to do with the stories that we read about in these books?

  5. Largely religion, I believe. Evolution is an easily demonstrated fact (fruit fly experiments can demonstrate evolution in a matter of a few days), but the theory of evolution applied to human ancestry can never be demonstrated in a lab.

    I believe that a large number of evangelical Christians in the US subscribe to a literal interpretation of the bible that determines the age of the universe (via genealogical listings, I think?) as 6,000 years give or take a couple of thousand, and that God literally created the universe in six days, created the first man directly, and rested on the seventh.

    On the basis of both of these points, the descent of man from common hominid ancestors over 10,000 years ago could not have occurred. Pretty simple, really.

    As a Catholic I believe in the truth. As best as we can tell, the universe is 7 billion years old, give or take a few billion, and humans appear to have arisen from common hominid ancestors recently (but not that recently, tens or hundred of thousands of years ago)  on an earth that appears to be millions of years old. The human species evolved into existence and continues to evolve to this day.

    I've read that the average # of teeth has dropped by more than 2 in the last thousand years as human diets have improved.

    I suspect you can find secularists who don't believe in evolution, but I'm just guessing. There are millions of secularists out there, so there's almost certainly some that don't believe in evolution. Whether we could find one willing to admit to it, on the other hand...

  6. I think what really matters is that we are here.

  7. here is my thing...i am a catholic...and i really believe that some great power  (god) had to do something with do that's what i have to say...and like the person before me said its a theory....

  8. I believe in it. But why can't religion and evolution be intertwined? Who said God didn't create the basic levels of it, such as cells? Who says the bible HAS to be correct?

    I personally, don't believe the bible. But I think it's worth looking in to the inter-connection of both.

    And besides. The Bible's just a theory, too.

  9. Let's be clear. Evolution has been observed, you have to accept it as fact. But the actual mechanics by which it works is a theory.

    Just to clear up what the first poster stated.

    Evolution would never ever be as disputed as it is if it weren't for religious zealots. They're the ones who created this whole debate, and it's just silly.

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