
Why don't you contact your insurance agent for insurance related questions?

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Why don't you contact your insurance agent for insurance related questions?




  1. Well, because a lot of people here are very clever, and buy their insurance on the internet, and HAVE no agent.  Then when the problem comes up . . . they have to ask for anonymous advice over the internet, and let their cat pick the right answer.

  2. Agents have staff who are very qualified and can answer your questions - true....

    I wish more of y'all would call me!

  3. I don't have to .. I have this handy book right here!!

  4. Good question.. I do and more people should. As agents, that's what we are here for, to service after the sale.

  5. I'll explain why I believe some people don't contact the agents. Agents don't know all the state laws regarding claims, and they don't keep tabs on the recent state supreme court rulings on insurance-based lawsuits, etc. They are very valuable resources if you have a question about your premium or coverages, but if you have a claim-based an adjuster.

    I had a prime example of this about 6 months ago. To make a LONG story short, if this lady had listened to her agent she would've missed out on $25k that was legitimately due her. And this wasn't some rookie agent...this was an agent of 15+ years. Because that particular agent doesn't read up on the current case laws, he coud've seriously short-changes this old(78 yr. old) woman.

    Bottom line is.....agents sell the policies, and adjusters interpret the policies for claims purposes. They don't mix the two for a reason.

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