
Why don't you guys vote for a best answer?

by  |  earlier

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I get TONS of emails for advice, but then the question goes up for a VOTE - because you haven't chosen a best answer?

Is there some reason why y'all won't choose a best answer?




  1. The only reason they should vote is for points, and I gather that most askers aren't properly incetivised by points if they carry no real value.  

    I was asked how to pronounce the name of a french company in english and was the only answerer.  The dude was introducing the president of a french insurance company and thanked me for helping him not embarrass himself.  Didn't bother choosing me even though because he was already off to bigger and better things.  C'est la vie.

    Good use of "y'all" BTW.

  2. I think it's just laziness.  Look at how many times in a day, day after day, the same questions get asked.  Many people are not serious or do not care.  

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge - even if the asker doesn't appreciate it, I'm sure there are other people who do.

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