
Why don't you lean on me and others when you need to? Why are you afraid?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's not because someone is afraid, it's just the people do what they feel that they need to do to suit themselves.

  2. It is much better to solve your problems by yourself. You learn from it and become stronger and you also gain in self-respect. Also: other people's advice is not alway the best. How much better to think carefully about how to solve your problem in a way that is right for you, not for your supporter!

  3. No  point  if  they  don't  have   solutions  to  the  issue .

    No   fear ,    just  know It  is  futile .

    We   just  deal  with  whatever ,  until  solutions  reveal  themselves .

    but  thanks  anyway


  4. I do quite a lot but childhood introjects die hard the 'be strong' driver bites.

    I come from  a family of gangsters the motto was be strong - through and through - to be weak and dependent was the worst sin ever. Even though I rejected the family values and moved away and led an honest life that message seems tattooed on.

  5. coz thats how we get hurt in the first place! when you trust someone and they end up hurting you it becomes harder and harder to trust so you become close to everyone else in order to protect yourself and your heart i guess. we do not like relying on others when we can find the  answers our selves whatwould be the point in that?

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