
Why don't you ride your bike for commuting?

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Is it because you don't have the equipment, time, its too long of a ride, or just no bike facilities around where you work?




  1. Because I live in Wisconsin, and I commute 85 miles one way...

  2. Too long of a ride for past jobs, and totally inappropriate for my current job - truck driver lol.

  3. Because I'd freeze my tuchas off.  (Wait, maybe that's a reason TO ride my bike to work...)

  4. dude it's snowing in Indiana and the roads are blocked by huge piles of the stuff

  5. Fourteen miles to the office is a little excessive. Trying to carry construction tools on the bike to deliver to jobsites 30 miles away is kind of a pain on a bike.

    I don't plan on selling house and home to move closer to the office so I don't have to use the truck as much. (Not in this market anyway.)

    Also there are additional factors. One of them is called "weather." Living where I do, I can leave the house to 70 deg. and leave the office to 20 deg and snow. Not optimal for riding a bike.


  6. Let's see, my work place is 50 miles from my home.  I'm not going to spend 10 hours a day commuting.

  7. Can I assume you are referring to riding a bicycle?  If so, I am unable to ride my bicycle to work due to a dangerous city between my home and my place of employment.  Plus the general attitude of motorist toward bicyclist.  "Get off the road"!  Lots of angry, unskilled drivers cursing the price of gas when I would love to be able to do my part in reducing the amount of gasoline consumption.  People do not see that perhaps someone riding a bicycle is commuting to and from work.  Or running errands.  That is beyond comprehension by most drivers.

    So the next best way that I can reduce my gas purchases is to ride my motorcycle.  18 mpg for my van vs. 35 mpg for my Honda.  Just waiting for the weather to warm up a bit so I do not have to take a chance of hitting ice on the road.

  8. It's super dangerous riding bikes here in Malaysia! Cars are speeding like mad and any two-wheelers can become a victim to any of these four-wheelers...

  9. My commute is 26 miles each way. I suppose if I was a real m*******t I could bike, but I much prefer a 30 minute commute to one of several hours duration.

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