
Why don't you skeptics ever ask questions on here?

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I know it costs you 5 pts....but wouldn't it be worth it???




  1. What kind of questions should we ask?  Should we ask "Have you ever seen a ghost?" or "Did you fall in love with a ghost?" or ........?

  2. Maybe Skeptics fear the possibility of the existence of the Paranormal. Skeptics should also understand that science can not prove everything. Try to be open minded, wow it can be fun.

  3. With respect... :-) that's rather like asking why adults don't ask many questions about Santa Claus.

    If there is any evidence for a particular phenomenon, scientists will ask questions about it.  But the evidence needs to come first!


  4. it is a no brainer, the bible and you will understand that there is a spirit world and those who have dabbled in ancient times up to the current age,..

    i e a e,..


  5. I would describe myself as a skeptic, in that I have been educated in science and I need (possibly unfortuantely) to find evidence for everything.  Science won't give any value to anything that can't be proven, and I am the same.  There are many things that occur that science can't explain, so ignore them, while others (dare I say it) make up their own ideas to explain phenomona, but this requires a degree of faith in your own ideas (or those of others) eg religion.  Why don't skeptics ask questions in here?  Because we know we will never get an answer that satisfies us without proof. Is that sad?  Yes maybe, but true I'm afraid.

  6. because most skeptics are pseudo skeptics. they don't care about anything other than to belittle anything that makes them uncomfortable. There are those skeptics that are really open to real science, then there are those who you could place them into the "ether" world and they would try to figure a way out of it. The pseudo skeptic does not want to know anything, they don't want the world to change and they are afraid of anything that could upset their level of comfort. as you have just seen your answers, nothing but smartalleck quips. The real skeptics on here, I respect .  you know who your are and whom I am talking about. And i think they respect others point of views. its only gonna get worse Denie. There are many respected physicists around the world who are starting to actually work in this area of science and it scares those in-trenched in old thoughts.Why ask a responsible question when you can heckle somebody like the schoolyard bully.

    edit :HZN, I have listed many things on here that instead of having quality answers only gets the hecklers going. If you were to do some research, you would know that more and more mainstream scientists are open to the possibility of afterlife existance using physics to explain how it can happen. I know of only a select few skeptics who leave the door open to thought rather than use the closed minded dogma many use here. pseudo skeptics dont have to come into this section, you have to actually hit a site tab to get here, so it isnt like you accidently wind up here. I asked a question last night where three people said they knew about the Science of Physics, of the three the one right answer was from the guy who actually knew what he was talking about, the other two had no clue and gave totally wrong answers. Why? because they dont bother to go anyfurther with their knowlege. They are not open to anything new. Which is why for decades they cant find a way to unite the theories of physics, anything offered new is shot down by those refusing to let go of the past.

  7. it doesn't seem like the best place to get real responses from unless there is a hardcore answer, which defeats the purpose of the questioneer's intent

  8. Nawh.  5 points are 5 points too many to throw down the drain.  The answers in Alternative has never given me something new to ponder.

  9. Nuff Said just described himself and most other believers on here is why - you do not value evidence (or the lack of) or logic, and you always resort to personal attacks when you can't answer a sincere question. And contrary to what so many of you repeat ad nauseam, it is not "open-minded" to accept just about any wild claim without evidence; it is precisely the opposite, because you fight ferociously to save your fantasies despite the lack of supporting evidence or even the existence of evidence to the contrary.

    How can you honestly expect to be taken seriously?

  10. I've asked many questions mostly about ghosts and paranormal investigators.I've asked them from a different point of view.I thought of questions I would ask myself. If I thought the supernatural existed.Example Do ghosts have a right to privacy?Is it right to go out hunting them?Unfortunately these types of questions anger many of you believers.They feel because I don't believe I shouldn't ask.Then a few of them start hitting the flag on all my answers.That leads to violations daily.For example calling ghosts silly is not silly as far as yahoo is concerned.It's -12 points.For the record I've never flagged anyone.I do have a few questions I'd like to ask.Maybe today I will.Watch for yourself how mad some people get.

  11. Some skeptics do ask questions - for example, T K often tries.  The problem is that you can't prove a negative.  (I can claim "there are no ghosts" all I want but I can never give a 100% proof.)  The burden, then, falls not to the skeptic but to the claimant.

    Fianlly, Yahoo answers is hardly the best forum for scientific debate.  Even in chat rooms, it's hard to psuedo-science keep the topics moving forward becuase thre are so many with an emotonal investment in the topic.

  12. Hi Denie, I've asked many questions in the past, mostly geared towards generating more scientific Q&A with the believers. I wasn't too successful, however. Seems as though there isn't much interest in the scientific aspects of the paranormal among the believers here, though there are exceptions. I'll keep an eye out for more topics I can post questions on.

  13. The problem is that I don't really have any questions to ask.  I have asked questions here before though.  Many of the questions I would really like to ask could be interpreted as demeaning so I haven't asked them.

  14. i,m not a skeptic,nor a 'believer' neither,but asking questions,won't cost you nothing,only 5 points ,that never cost you nothing either,plus all you have to do is answer at least 3 questions -and you will have gained 1 point plus the question you asked ,considered it ,Free!

  15. I'm interested in discussions that are based on evidence, so I don't care at all about this "alternative" stuff. No offence - if people want their fluffy stuff, they can enjoy. I just don't see it ever bieng useful.

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