
Why don't young girls fight for our rights? cmon girls feminism is going backwards & were doing more than ever

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Why don't young girls fight for our rights? cmon girls feminism is going backwards & were doing more than ever




  1. Feminism is not going backwards. It is being adjusted to remove the man-hating lesbians who have hijacked the desires of normal women.

  2. Many young girls want to get along with men rather than being at loggerheads with them.  They may also wonder (as I do) what 'rights' there are left to fight for?  What more rights do women want that they haven't got already?

  3. Read the links posted by Gun Fanatic and me here.

    And then get back to me on the rights girls have to fight for. Short of legalized murder of men (which actually is almost reality. All you have to do is say he abused you after you stab him to get an aquittal for a gory murder. Take Mary Winkler for example), women have everything else in the USA.

  4. Girls and women already have more than enough rights.

  5. LOL!  Feminists don't know when to stop. Women have got more rights than men in many areas e.g. divorce, domestic violence etc  but you still get the fanatics with nothing better to do that to whip up more hatred against men.

  6. Its mostly the young girls who have been successfully intimidated by the backlash.

    When they get more life experience they will be less easily intimidated.  Those who receive higher education are less likely to be intimidated, or to flash b***s and engage in frenching behaviors.  They're less likely to buy into patriarchial myths about their gender's supposed inferiority.  In time, they'll get sick of acquiescing - as we did.  There comes a point of no return, and they'll get there.

  7. At 20, do I qualify as a 'young girl'?  I may not identify myself as a feminist, but I do stand up for my rights.  I also stand up for the rights of others.  The basic premise of feminism is a good one- however, the image of feminism today is not one I wish to associate myself with.  I find I do better without labels.

  8. I see two reasons that some younger girls try to distance themselves from feminism.  

    1)  They are in the stage where they are trying to find a mate and they want to do everything they can to make themselves more attractive.  This includes subordinating themselves to the will and pleasure of a every man that piques their interest, even though these men may not be psychologically the best choice.  It's the first marriage syndrome.  Many women marry at first for the wrong reasons, and then realize that they are 'being played."

    2)  They are at the bottom of the Corporate ladder, and there is less discrimination there.  it is at the higher eschelons where one still finds discrimination - the glass ceiling.  If they are mother's they are new mothers, and a young child can certainly be a full time job, and that can be rewarding.  When the child goes to school and doesn't need her as much, she will find that there is less satisfaction in having your complete self-esteem encompassed in another person.

  9. Sad but true, many women look up to men and try to gain their approval through s*x or some other kind of backward way.

    So in short, their to busy flashing their b***s or frenching another females for a group of guys to worry about anything else.

  10. Young women today have grown up in a society where everyone has equal opportunity.  They take their world of  bright futures and multiple choices for granted. They don't actually have to fight for anything, except possibly to maintain their dignity and self-esteem in the face of a media climate where women are valued based on how many clothes they take off and how thin they are.  

    Feminism isn't "going backwards," but it is changing and expanding globally.  Too many girls buy into the c**p that to be a feminist is to be a man-hater; that's pure propaganda and bullsh!t.  It is good if someone identifies herself as an equalist, because that means she gets it  - a rising tide does, indeed, lift all boats, as John F. Kennedy said.

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