
Why don people adopt from foreign countries instead from the US.?

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I have heard people say that why people adopt babies from china, russia, etc. when there are so many american children that need homes.

im thinking there has to be a reason for this and i dont know much about that so can anyone tell me why?




  1. I am sure Maddy has no idea what it takes to adopt in the US or in any other country!!!

    Both are full of red tape! All need home studies! Foreign is costly and can take years to get a child! I think most adopt from outside the U.S. because they have a heart for the suffering children in that particular country, and also because it is much easier to adopt an infant or toddler! Also once you get your child back to the states there is very little chance of a mother or father trying to regaining custody!

    Adoption is good no matter if it is in the US or out! Kids need homes and there are loving families that want kids! I prefer to adopt from the US foster care system, but I support every ones right to adopt however and where ever they feel led!

  2. I disagree with not having birthparents involved through an international adoption -- I communicated with my birthmom until she passed away!

  3. It is easier to get an infant, which is what *most* adopting couples want.

    You also don't have to worry as much about birth parents changing their minds.

  4. Adopting from foreign countries usually does not require a home study which can last up to 2 years.  The effort it takes to adopt from the U.S. is ridiculous.  The adoption process is full of red tape whereas adopting from China for instance can be done in a few months providing you have about $10,000.

    I've looked into the adoption process in the U.S. and China and finding a child in the U.S. and then getting the process started is completely nerve wrecking.  To adopt from China, I obtained the forms, and could have had an infant within 6 months for ten grand and a full package trip to China where I would "pick out: my child, tour China and bring her/him back home with me.

    The procedure for adoption in the U.S. is just too complicated.

  5. Because they dont want to.And because the US is rich and poor african people are so poor that they need more help than the rich US.

  6. Have you ever thought of the fact that some people don't see borders? they don't see race when they adopt their child?

  7. First of all Maddy has no idea about the adotion process in China. You have to go through a homestudy and you do not just walk into the baby store and pick one out!

    Now for your question.

    First of all I believe all children are children of God so I could care less what country they are from.

    We chose international for many reasons.

    The US foster care system is such a mess. By time family services actually steps in the chances are the child has been abused for years. After suffering that kind of abuse and neglect it takes a very special person to adopt those children. With already having 2 kids at home I could not risk bringing a child into the home that had been sexually abused or that would have severe emotional problems.

    If the goverment would rescue these children before such damage had been done then I would have been much more likely to have adoted from foster care.

    I would never do a domestic newborn adoption. The whole dear birthmother letter thing gives me the creeps. I will not beg someone to give me their child.

    I could never do foster to adopt. I am not strong enough to get attatched to a child to only loose them back to the home that they were neglected in.

    With our adoption from China our daughter was free for adoption before we ever saw her picture. She was abandoned so there is no chance that her first parents would try to take her back. She was also legally our daughter before we left China.

    Spell check not working, sorry for spelling mistakes.

  8. Use the discover resolved questions part of this site.  This question has been asked and answered many times.

  9. I don't understand it either and I've done both.  Mind you, at the time I actually lived overseas in the country that I adopted from and then finalized the adoption when I got home.  As well, we just recently finished adopting domestically and we found both processes to be just as simple and easy.  Both took about 6 months, both cost less then $1000 ($1000 for the one started overseas and finished domestically and free for the one that was strictly domestic as we went through social services).

    I think that those who adopt internationally, for the most part, either want babies or they feel that there are more children overseas who need good homes.  Both assumptions are incorrect in my opinion.  Or domestic adoption was of an infant that we got from the hospital as a 4 day old.  I know there are plenty of children available domestically.

    As I recall, "60 Minutes" did a segment perhaps 10 years ago where they spoke of the number of children in the US who are adopted outside of the country.  Adoptive parents from Germany, Austria, other places in Europe and even Canada were adoption children and babies FROM the US.  

    I'm all for helping out in the world but holy cow folks, there are thousands of kids domestically who need homes too.

  10. If people want to adopt an infant they can choose domestic (US) or international. There are reasons for both:

    International - no parents involved, since most babies are abandon, the feeling these  children are more needy because the countries are poor, a special feeling for  a certain culture, and sometimes a more predictable adoption time line than in the US (depending on the country and unexpected political upheaval). These babies are usually adoptable at around 1 year old.

    Domestic - you can adopt a newborn and possibly even be present at the birth, you can have relationship with the parents (some people want this for their child), known (or semi-known) medical history.

    The american children that really need homes are those taken from  their families due to abuse and neglect. They are generally older. Most (not all) people adopt because they are infertile - if this is the case they usually want a baby, not an older child that may have problems from the bad environment they've been in until now.

  11. i always wondered why people dont adopt kids in the U.S i am i mean there are kids in this country that need parents to come on.

  12. We chose international because we wanted a toddler and were afraid of the foster system in the US.  Most if not all children in the FC system are from dysfunctional (ie abusive, violent, drug, etc)homes before being placed in the system.  We knew we couldn't handle the baggage of what this lifestyle could have impacted on the child.  International adoption has bonding, attachment and other problems, but the alcohol, drugs, abuse etc are at a minimum.  FC also can take a long time to finalize an adoption.

    Bottom line we chose international adoption because we don't care about race but did realistically evaluate what we could handle as a family and decided that the potential issues associated with FC children was too much for us.

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