
Why dont Datsyuk and Zetterberg get the same recognition as Crosby or Malkin when they're clearly better?

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Datsyuk and Zetterberg are twice they players as Crosby or Malkin could imagine being. Why the cold shoulder from the media and fans??????




  1. Because one, this is Crosby's league.  Two, Crosby and Malkin are terrific players, yet are so young.  Three, Crosby and Malkin can create chances and stand out on their own, whereas Datsyuk and Zetterberg shine best when they play together.  I will say though that Datsyuk and Zetterberg are a more dangerous and more skilled duo than Crosby and Malkin together.

  2. Because until this series no one could see who was clearly better.  I am sure you'll get a lot of argument, but I happen to agree - I would take Pavel and Hank over the other two without hesitation.  Now, will I say that in a few years?  I don't know - but right now, there's a clear difference between the two pairs - advantage Wings.

  3. 'Cause Crosby is so cute!!

    Puke Puke, Gag Gag!

    That's OK, I prefer D & Z flying under the radar.

  4. It only makes sense to idolize Crosby and Malkin because they are #1 and #2 in the draft. Anybody could have had Datsyuk @ #171 and Zetterberg @ #210. Even the media could bet the Crosby and Malkin picks right.

    Remember these are the same media that are telling us all about Steve Stamkos.

  5. THEY {media} THINK sid the kid is all that and malkin could not even make the WINGS 4th line  LETS GO RED WINGS

  6. They definitely out-skated the pens the last two games. It's time the announcers start giving them their dues.

  7. Because that is your opinion and you are winning the series so far. Why didn't you ask the question before the series began?

  8. Because the media love Crosby for marketing values(#1 overall pick and also a Canadian boy)and think he will be the second coming,obviously very early for that but he would have gotten his Cup before Mario and 99 if they come back..Ask any true hockey fan and they will tell you how great Datsyuk and Zetterberg are so no cold shoulder there.

  9. Well with Crosby, he's a marketing dream, young talented and easy on the eyes. People love stories like that. Won't matter much when the experience and talent of the Wings continues to dominate on the way to the cup.

  10. Simple. They are from Detroit and play in the West!

  11. Crosby and Malkin have only been in the league a couple of years, and both have already broken 100 points and have been Hart trophy nominees (with Crosby winning last year). So where will they be when they have Zetterberg and Datsyuk's experience? They both already tower high above where either of those guys were at the same time in their career. That is not a knock on Zetterberg and Datsyuk, either. Clearly they ARE better right now, and their defensive responbility makes their regular season offensive numbers look less than they really are. But the league has not had such young superstars as Crosby and Malkin in over a decade. Of course the media plays them up! Why shouldn't they? And now that they are getting killed in the finals, the Wings are getting the credit they deserve. I don't see where there is anything to complain about.

  12. sheer offense attracts more bandwagoners.

    the casual hockey fan cannot recognize or appreciate defense. it actually bores them.

    you can always tell a bandwagoner if they know who Lidstrom is, but can't tell you why he's good.

    (there are other ways too.)

  13. It's all about marketing. They want to hype up these players. They are good now and will only get better. They want to get people hooked on them so the NHL can use them to hopefully grow in the future. I believe that the Datsyuk and Zetterberg duo right now is better than the Crosby Malkin duo.

  14. They're not clearly better.  They clearly play on a better team.  Give Crosby and Malkin the type of talent and team systems the Red Wings play and this wouldn't even be a discussion.

  15. Well I dont know about that first comment you made, but I think it all has to come down to marketing.  The NHL is trying to sell the game in the US.  However pathetic it is, it kinda trendy in the US right now to hate everything thing that is foreign.  Crosby is North American and he came into the league right after the lockout, which made him the perfect poster boy to exploit to try to bring people back to the game.  Im not saying he isnt good (at least when hes not playing Detroit), but hes no Gretzky like the NHL has tried to make him out to be.  Zetterberg wouldnt be bad for marketing if he wasnt Swedish.  Hes a pretty well spoken and insightful guy.  He will get much bigger though once Lidstrom retires and he takes over the captaincy.  Datsyuk is a great player but he can hardly speak English and seems pretty timid when it comes to the press.  Thats not good for marketing.  The only reason Malkin is so popular is because he is Crosbys team mate.  If he wasnt, he would be about as famous as Kovalchuk (known among hockey fans, but thats about it).

  16. The marketing potential of Crosby is the real reason. He's a good looking, well spoken, North American boy with incredible talent, who plays against the biggest markets in hockey. While Datsyuk has no potential to be marketed (no offense, he's not a poster-boy and barley speaks the language) Zetterburg really should get a shot, he's got the age, the looks and a smokin hot girlfriend which always helps.

  17. NHL and Bettman wants to market Crosby anyway they can so they are making Sid the next great one. i agree tho, Datsyuk and Zetterberg are more expriences than those young guns in Penguins.

  18. I find it a mystery myself.

  19. Stanley Cups are good recognition

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