
Why dont Ebay & paypal fix there site?

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Seller lies to buyer & never ship stuff out when they say I think ebay &paypal needs to look at there SELLERs more




  1. "When in doubt; throw it out". Move to another auction site or use more caution before purchasing. Too many people come in here asking for help when help is readily available at eBay.

    Point and Click "excitement" over-rides the brain because of compulsive shopping. The sellers know this. so instead of doing what a buyer is suppose to do like use the Help Link or even view a page over, Point and Click sets in.

    Just like most people who "Gas and Go"....paying no heed to a cars' need...... " I don't know what that noise is".....

    Know what I mean? They wait til after the fact something is broken " If it's not broken; don't fix it"

  2. File a NPS (Non Performing Seller) dispute.  This will force the seller to prove they delivered the item to you.  If they can't, they have to refund you.  Paypal will take the funds from them.

    If the funds aren't available, do a chargeback on your credit card.

  3. eBay HAS recently made changes that favor the buyer.  The major change was to inhibit sellers from leaving anything but positive feedback for buyers.  However, as to your question specifically, they are afraid of losing sellers.  Each time someone lists an item, eBay makes money.  Each time an auction closes (whether it gets bids or not), eBay makes money.  The simple fact is, the more sellers items listed, the more money eBay makes.  everything they do that discourages sellers to list items hits the bottom line.  So, history shows us that they tend to do things very slowly, and usually in small stages (they call them 'enhancements').  Since eBay made the huge, sweeping changes to the service just last month, don't look for any more changes or 'enhancements' anytime soon.

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