
Why dont I ruddy well get a best answer?

by  |  earlier

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I believe I am ruddy well the best on this darn site. So why god d**n it do I not get voted the best ruddy answer whenever I put my two peneth worth in? I cant ruddy well understand it?

Throw me a bone god d**n it.




  1. Perhaps you are just too ruddy.

  2. ah, "ruddy" - sweet, if that came up in one of my questions you'd get best answer just for using that word ;D

  3. fo sure!

  4. I wouldn't vote for you for taking God's name in vain.  Maybe you are offending people with your answers rather than giving good advice you are being more rude with your answers.  

    You have to earn that bone if you expect to get one.

  5. the skill in getting a good answer is being objective.

    try standing aside from your answers without being judgemental but staying informative..add words of kindness , recognition and encouragement to others!

    balance is the key..if you want to oppose a view make it a useful opposition by stating that you care about the question! genuine!

  6. Always think of the most random answer so you'll get noticed!! Or try flirting it can help... And where in the world do you use ruddy??

  7. what the ruddy h**l?!!??

  8. I know right!

  9. You have a high percentage of 'best answers' compared to most so what's your problem? Telling  us you are 'the best on this darn site' isn't exactly going to make you Miss Popularity so afraid I can see your percentage going down. Try a little modesty and you may get more best answers.

  10. Perhaps you are not ruddy well as good as you think you!

  11. I tried to look at your answers but can't cos they're private, so I don't know sorry"

    Have a star though as a consolation :-)

  12. a bone for you--here - from God

  13. lol, i dont even know what ruddy means

  14. it wasnt good enough probably

  15. Probably cause your answers aren't ruddy well that good :I

    Calm down a little..

  16. Cause you need to first ask a ******** good question

  17. Ha! Ha! You have to earn it I suppose,how about You answer one of my questions and I will give you best answer. By the way isn't 19 enough?

  18. See, every person on this site also feels that THEY are the best too!

    So it just isn't your turn today

    Anyway, you got 10%, what more do you want?

  19. If you give me best answer in this question, then I'll give you best answer in one of my questions okay? actually I'll give you two.

  20. If you are as ruddy as you proclaim to be... then lets see your fire [redness]...... otherwise, the 'no best answer treatment' friend

  21. nope, go get your own.....

  22. The title of "best on this site" was awarded to me, many months ago, bestowed on me by the King Yahoo hamster, if you want my title you'll have to arm wrestle me for it.

    ruddy nora...I'm a bit frightened....take it, its yours

  23. I'll put a question up now, and you answer it and I'll give you the best answer, ok. answered the wrong one, you should be called dimbo not Grimbo.

    edit; good job you answered the wrong one, they deleted the other one and gave me a violation for chatting, so no best answer points, ruddy sorry, haha.

  24. XD how cute!! Does the "throw me a bone" thing have an alternate meaning?! :P

  25. Maybe your answers are all shite.

  26. whts ruddy

  27. Be funny

  28. Maybe the asker feels another has given an answer better than yours. I would try not to be rude or put in my opinion ( especialy if an opinion is not what the asker is looking for) and just stick to facts.

  29. wow maybe it is the way you answer the question,

    if the way you ask a question is indicative to the way you answer a question i think that is reason enough.

    Try not to be so compulsive, and you will do fine.

    To me it is all about two things, to learn and to help others.

    Points mean nothing to me, Who cares who gets best answers, did you help? did you learn?

    This is the imperative of the indicative as to why i am here, We are not all the same i understand that, but try to see things from other people's points of view.

    I guess I don't get my 10 points eh...:(

    hehe just joking.

    PS I just checked my answers and  I don't have a best answer yet, but I have fun just the same.

    Good luck and best wishes!

  30. It's so unfair!

    Fight the good fight!

    Cheers :-)

  31. you have 10% best answer, whats wrong with your maths girl??

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