
Why dont SOME people like single mums and call them at every opitunity they have?

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Im 21 and now a single mum of 3 my son is 4 years old an i have 3 day old twins




  1. You shoudl definatley get to know the man that may be a fiture father of your kid before you get intamate, to be SURE you know that he'll stick around.

  2. I'm sorry but WHAT A LIAR YOU ARE ...Please people read this question she has NO KIDS according to this !!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks "Mum of Twins" you are right!

    Ellie May is telling porkies!

    Why do people ask questions that aren't true?

    She needs a life!

  4. Sweetheart, at 21 you have not paid enough NI contributions to cover the costs of your children, even if you go back to work full time you will still receive benefits, which means people like me who have worked and have paid full NI contributions are paying for you. At the end of the day you choose to have those children it was a lifestyle choice.

    Answer me 1 question if all benefits were taken away from you tomorrow could you survive?

    Remember it's me who will pay for your children's NHS cover, their education etc. That's why I'm allowed to call you at every opportunity because you do not care that others are stumping up the money to pay for you and your children.

  5. because there is a stereotype that single mums go out get pissed up and knocked up dont know who the father is n then scrounge everything they can of the tax payer as a few of the people have answered on here

    i on the other hand know that there are plenty of single mums out there that are in that situation becuase the father is unfit or relationships dont work out

    my best friend was a single mum until very recently she worked her **** off for her little boy paying for everything for herself she became a single mum wen her husband left her for her midwife about 2 hrs after her baby was born people on here are far too judgmental fair shout to u for standing up for yourself!!!

  6. Because they are small minded idiots.

    Bringing a kid up on your own must be the hardest job in the world, just ignore the idiots and keep up the good work.

    I bet most of them hate there partners and would love to leave but stay for the sake of the children they are very sad indeed.

  7. Because a lot of guys don't want kids.. especially if they're not the one having s*x for them =\

  8. and do you have a job or is everything free for you ?

  9. SOME people don't like it when when the parents say "oops, it just happened." It is not spontaneous. A conscious decision is made to have s*x with a person, either un- or under-protected, or the protection fails, as everyone knows it can.

    SOME people can't understand why such reckless behavior would be engaged in.

    SOME people don't understand why anyone would be surprised by this attitude.

    SOME people can't understand why anyone would have s*x and risk pregnancy with someone they aren't willing to spend their lives with.

    SOME people know that social welfare is actually more detrimental to children than poverty, and most "single mommies" are on it. (Yes, look up the studies.)

    SOME people think this to themselves but don't "call them at every OPITUNITY".

  10. 3 day old twins and your single?

  11. bc cause people are convinced that its impossible to do alone....ITS NOT, its just harder. people like the jerk on top think its all welfare paying for u and ur kids....WRONG! but really who cares what they think, they dont know u and they dont know why ur a single mother and if they dont take the time to listen or get to know u before they judge then who cares. i know my life, not them and what they say is wrong and they are the ignorant dumb looking people!

    EDIT: being a single mother is a harder, but so rewarding and it may be a struggle every once and a while, but most single mothers work herder then two parent families together and bring strong children up and gert ridiculed for doing it the whole time, stay strong mommy ur better then them!

  12. 2 points troll

  13. Your spelling is terrible ..your a child trying to get attention if you have all these kids you need to stop and go back and get an education ...something you lack in !

  14. BUSTED........

  15. Just because we are single moms not everything is free..I work to support my child and I have never asked for things for free.. People are closed minded and they suck..dont worry about them hun just do a good job at taking care of your kids.!

  16. I don't think it's anybodys job to judge people they don't know. Unless you know the full story, there's not much you can say or have the right to say. I agree, it must be hurtful and people should keep their opinions to themselves in these cases.

    A lot of people tend to stereotype single mothers or believe they are irresponsible when in fact most of them are doing the most responsible thing imaginable, bringing up a child and wanting the best for them! Sometimes this means not having their father around, so be it.

    Good luck with your babies

  17. I THINK THIS IS AWFUL......any person with half a brain cell should realise people dont ask to be left alone to cope with children. i was a single mum of two for a few years after a violent relationship - i worked to support my children. i am now married and still working. but that was MY decision. why dont people here start pointing the finger at these so called dads that hump and dump these mums? yes it takes two to make a baby - but in all fairness - its only one who sticks around for the hard part. these single mums should NOT be put down but praised in my eyes. men seem quick enough to fill the pram but not man enough to push it. i would be ashamed of my boys if they considered doing that when they grow up. bear in mind - it is the single mums of this world that will most likely be the ones who raise their sons with the knowledge of how tough it is to be a single parent and hopefully, these future gents will be just that - gents.

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