
Why dont adults have sleepovers as much as kids do? isnt it fun to hang out with good friends all night at any

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age? if the kids are away you can play more right




  1. some people need to grow up!

    i love having sleepovers with my friends and im 25 and have a 4 yr old son and im married, i used to go stay with my sis i law a lot her hunny worked out of town and we would hang out our kids were always there though we would stay up late watchig movies playing games, going to walmart anything  and our kids enjoyed it, expecially her 12 yr old daughter i think she thinks of us as friends instead of her mom and aunt lol

    i wish i could do this more often it is fun!

  2. Who saya adults can't do it too?It should'nt matter how old you are if you want to hang out with your friends!h**l I can predict that my friend and I will probally still be having sleepovers till the day we die!

  3. because it is not normal. I really cant explain it, it just sounds weird.

  4. They sort of do they just dont at each others houses. Usually they go to a cabin or a weekend trip with 2-3 family and leave the kids with grandparents or something

  5. Who says they don't? They just call it one-night-stands :)

    Anyway, it's up to you to start a new trend, if you have good friends with whom you can hang out all night :)

  6. adults are too judgmental of other adults. if someone is 'partying' - 'oh my God, they are doing drugs there, and those girls are whores!' - is usually what neighbors gather from that. it is a shame that we forget so easily how much fun it was to be a kid.

  7. We do.  Just not very often.  Usually ends up being a late game night, or movie night. Or just sitting around talking until dawn. The older we get the harder it gets to stay up past midnight though.  Which is WHY we set early curfews for you teens.  We Need our Sleep.

    But ya know when you have kids at  home you don't get to play much, being a parent comes first.  But on those rare occasions when sitters can be found, and schedules co-ordinated yes, we have 'sleep overs in theory.

  8. sometimes, but most times we all have families and can't get away. And the odds of all of my friends (and myself) not having the kids for the night is nil to none.

    edit: and now that I think about it, I do not think I would want to have sleep overs with grown would be somewhat awkward. We are all not in the same class anymore. A couple of my friends dont even know each other...and I like it that way!

  9. Occassionally 1 of my friends and I do have sleepovers! Our children are all very close in age and our husbands get along pretty well, so we will sometimes head over to their house for a weekend night of game playing and hanging out! If we adults decide to have a few drinks, we just spend the night. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened more than once! Everyone has a good time, and nobody is drinking and driving.

  10. of course it is! I wish my friends and I could do this more often. you know I don't know why some adults think that just because you are older you have to stop doing the fun innocent things you did as a kid. That was the happiest time of my life!

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