
Why dont flies burn their feet on the barbecue or hot food?

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Why dont flies burn their feet on the barbecue or hot food?




  1. " HELP ME, HELP ME !!! "

  2. LMAO! How do you know they don't?! Maybe that's why they always crawl all over the watermelon! Cools their little tootsies!!

  3. they do but they dont have pain receptors so they dont feel it in fact flies tastr through their feet

  4. The bottom of flies' feet are very small. There is very little space for heat transfer through their legs. Plus, they are resilient little buggers.

  5. Never seen a fly on the hot barbecue nor on hot food.

    Only on sweets.

  6. Have you ever taken a walk on hot sand?  You jump around trying to keep your feet cool until you find a cool spot on the sand.  Flies do the same thing.

    The surface which looks solid and very hot to us is actually very porus.  The temperature varies from spot to spot on the coals and/or food.  The flies will hop from location to location on the coals until they find a spot that is cooler than the others.  A place that won't cause damage to their feet.  If the coals are too hot, the flies will go away or they'll cook, and, of course, if there is a fire, they won't come near it either.

    This is a good question!  It makes us think of the world from a different perspective!  Thanks!

  7. Flies use several different techniques to get unstuck: pushing, twisting, and peeling its footpads free

  8. They wear those real little flip-flops. You need really good eye sight to see them, but trust me.... they are there.

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