
Why dont guys have to wear makeup?

by  |  earlier

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i know that women dont HAVE to wear makeup. and i know that not all women do. but society tells us that we should to 'enhance our beauty' or come only women wear makeup? and i know some guys do. whether its for choice, or for acting/modeling, etc. and usually when they do by choice, they are judged as being g*y or something...all the makeup ads are aimed towards women. for like prom or special ocassions, women usually always wear makeup, but guys dont...why?

idk....this question just came across my mind and i thought id ask.

please dont give answers like 'im a girl. and i dont wear makeup' or 'im a guy and i wear makeup' i dont care! and thats not answering my question really....




  1. Men used to wear makeup such as eyeliner in more primative times or cultures.

    Now it's considered social taboo for men to wear makeup.

  2. When you think about it, what would a guy wear?

    Makeup is to enhance BEAUTY, not handsomeness.

    Imagine a guy with long eyelashes, pink cheeks, and lipstick.

    That's why its for women.

  3. they just don't give in to the pressure of society to look perfect like some of us women do.

  4. no one can tell u how u want to look, but why would u wear some thing that makes u look like a women

  5. society sees it as a strictly women thing and most men are afraid of being called or looked at as g*y. I'm a guy and I wear make up and know of alot of guys that do wear make up they just use so little that you can't tell.

  6. well guys dont really care what they look like. can you imagine going down he streets seeing guys with mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow, etc? well some guys do. but its just a thing they choose not too i guess. its more on society too.  

  7. Because women in general have low self esteem and use make up as a way to make themselves feel better.

  8. I believe that there are two aspects to the answer to your question.  First, society puts pressure on women to "look their best".  This goes back in time to when the main goal for a woman was to find a man to marry.  They were supposed to make themselves as attractive as possible in order to attract a man.  Today a woman can easily live independently of a man if that is what she chooses.  But it is difficult to overcome what has become traditional.  Men have always had this independence and there wasn't as strong a need for men to "make themselves attractive".

    The second aspect is that many woman enjoy making themselves attractive.  Some women do this because it makes them feel better about themselves, not just to make themselves attractive to men.  However, this is probably closely tied to the traditional images of women that I mentioned in the first paragraph.

    I hope this helps.

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