
Why dont guys just understand girls?

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Seriousally? What is so hard about understanding our needs and wants?




  1. SERIOUSLY! Cuz he's a guy!!!!! Do you understand a guy's needs? Both sides only get it to a certain point. How much both parties try to understand the other makes all the difference in a relationship. I may not always understand why my husband wants what he wants, but I understand that he does.  

  2. You have asked a question Einstein couldn't even begin to answer.  

  3. They will never understand us. That is why relationships are not easy.

  4. and what are they exactly? Problem is that it changes more then the weather and even females are not really sure what they want.

    Women can be confusing at times.

    I just give my wife lots of love.

  5. men are different from women. Really you will be better off trying to understand them, than waiting for them to understand you. After all, women are hardwired to read other people's emotions, and men are not. Likewise, we generally have much more complex social interactions. Men mean what they say and say what they mean. They don't have deeper meanings to their comments. Quit putting so much thought into it. You are going to drive you both nuts. If you want him to do something, just come out and ask him. He isn't going to read your mind.

  6. My mother always told me that Women are like the interstate and men are like a gravel side road.

    I think she meant we are straight minded and men kind of go off on their own little mind adventure!

    Well what ever it means she always said it is very rare that you will see a gravel road running side by side next to the interstate and if you do... it doesn't stay that way for very long!

    I think we just have to get used to the idea that men and women just don't think the same!  

  7. Women are very complicated and we tend to complicate things even more. Women are romantics and men are pragmatists. As Shakespeare noted: "Love to man is a thing apart;

    T'is woman's whole existence."

  8. Because your needs and wants are tied to your moods which are tied to your hormones which changes every couple of hours.

  9. We understand the basic needs and wants, but girls are extremely individual and complex. Guys are a typewriter and girls are a computer... no two the exact same and very complicated in their information processing. Oh... and very

  10. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.  We are just different, and communication is the key.  

  11. Your moods and emotions...I never understand the moods. Gosh my ex was so moody and emotional all at different times, I could never tell what she wanted or needed. Some women are so complex.

  12. It's hard for guys to understand girls because women expect the guys to know what the woman is thinking. Guys are not mind readers, girls have to say what they want, what they expect, what they like or don't like. Communication is a two way process, usually the women do all the talking and they don 't say very much in the process. Plus women have to learn how to listen also.

  13. Because men are from mars and women from venus.

  14. women and men both think differently and interpret things differently.. that will never change. but for a relationship to work both partners need to be understanding of this and not expect one another to act the way they do and accept their differences and just find common ground and respect each others' wants and needs and always act in a way that makes their other half happy. now thats.... hard to find, which is why people break up and make up a billion times.  

  15. we would if you just understand guys first.  

  16. Because woman are emotional, we want to talk about every thing.  Guys show there feelings through action and are physical.  That is how they show there feelings.

    It is the way God made us.


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