
Why dont hungry sharks swim in the shallow water if that is where all the people are?

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Why dont hungry sharks swim in the shallow water if that is where all the people are?




  1. because the only reason sharks actually attack humans is because they mistake them as seals. more people get injured by coconuts falling on there heads than shark attacks! lol

  2. Sharks don't like to actually eat people. They mistake you for seals with black swim wear. And as soon as they bite you they let go and leave you there. Because we're too salty. And also if there's sharks near the shallow water than they'll close down the beach until they figure out a solution to get rid of them.

  3. Because human is not on any shark menu.  Sharks evolved in a world without humans.  They evolved to eat things in their world, the oceans.  Sharks are not out to kill and eat people.

    There are many species of shark.  Only about 12 species have ever been of any danger to humans.  The vast majority of sharks live in deep water.  Another reason humans are not own their menu.

  4. well when the sharks swim into the shallower waters there is less room for them to dive down and come back up. It gives the person a better chance of escaping because they can also escape quicker that way.

  5. Sharks do not like to eat people, obviously. The number of deaths from shark attack is minuscule compared with the number of sharks in the world and the number of people in the water. Shark attacks are mostly out of fear rather than for food.

    Sharks mostly eat other fish in deep water.

  6. Sharks do not eat people intentionally. A majority of unprovoked shark attacks are the sharks trying to see what is in the water, and unfournatly since they don't have hands they use their mouths. Sharks actually don't bite much harder than humans when they're investigating. The big difference is their teeth are much sharper then ours which is why people tend to die from shark attacks.

  7. Sharks don’t like to eat people actually. Sometimes they mistaken you for being a black seal.

    If you wanna know if my answer is true, try to search a DiscoveryChannel  tape and look for the title shark.

    Actually, in the movies (real movies) I saw many people standing infront of a shark. They should not move or sharks will bite ‘em.

    I hope it helps anyway!! =]

    --Mae Chan

  8. theyre too big. the waves will push them to shore and then get stranded on the beach.

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