
Why dont i belong ??

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ok so I'm a freshmen in high school and i feel like i don't fit in this world and its not high school that's just how its always been. I mean i cant get a girl friend to save my life and i don't think I'm ugly i think its my personality . Also i hate most of my "friends" i only hang with them cause their who i fell in with Iin middle school and i want new friend but my school is really really clickey i dont know what im asking i guess iI'masking for some kind of an awnser if there is one.




  1. truely you do fit in no one can actually be a outcast. talk to people and build a friendship w/ them. im a senior and havnt had a GF seince my sophmore year. i dont really give a d**n if people dont like you for you tell them to kiss you natrually (What ever color you are) a ss

  2. PLEASE READ THIS! This willl encourage you if anything else.

    (My story below)

    I  came from one of the most clicky schools in my city.It was all girls and I  Hated it !

    20 yrs later at my reunion the people are still the same.

    I never believed in clicks so therefore I was the reject. I believed ALL people should be accepted. I am proud to say I know God am loved and by His grace accomplished more then many of those people have in thier lifetime . i beleive the things we go through make us stronger. You can either buckle under thier hatefulness or stand tall with your head held high. You dont need people like that. One day some real frineds will come along.

    All they can do is talk about how wonderful thier children are and life is passing them by. . Yes they went to collage. and so on. But they are not really living the life they once thought.

    Just through thier kids. Sad to say.

    Another thing not once was my picture put in the yearbook (in 4 years) except in the class section. I believe they purposly kept me out. Yes I am pretty too!

    Another thing to be proud of ( Me the past reject) my story was posted this year in the High School Alumnie newsletter of featured accomplished business people. My pic and story was in there.

    For ALL TO SEE!!!!   Not one time have they ever been given the chance to be posted or have thier accomplishments posted.

    I beleive God works in mysterious ways. He vindicated me 110% I will be forever thankful because it was allwasy my dream to be vindicated before them.

    Hope this will encourage you. Also talk to Jesus and ask Him to walk with you as you go through this. I did it alone. I did not know Him. Now I do. Rememebr He was rejected too!

    They may reject you but You are special in God's eyes. Keep your chin up! Praying for U!

  3. You don't fit in?  Congratulations.  

    You'll see why later in life.

  4. Maybe it just means you have individuality and don't need to be part of a clique as a way of finding your identity.

    Learn to enjoy it , when you are more comfortable with yourself im sure you will gravitate towards others and they to you :-)

  5. Nobody belongs - you just don't see it yet.

    You sound like me at that age.  Now I am happily married.

  6. its good thing most people are will get better when you get older thats what they alwayss say but it aint true really or tis

  7. I'm in college. There are no clicks in college...if you don't try to make friends or get involved then you won't.  If you don't like your friends then try to meet some one who you think would be a good friend.  Who cares about clicks...i know its hard cuz when your in high school its a whole new world, and people that are popular really think they are something...but when they get to college they will be just another student...just be yourself, don't think you have a bad personality! write down some things you know are good about yourself and try to play off them.  Ex: if you are very giving, do something that has to do with philanthripy or community service.  Maybe get involved with a church.  I bet you would meet a nice girl there.  Things will change in college, you'll have more opportunities and lots of people to meet.

    Good Luck

  8. Your taking life way to serious right now. I know it's hard not to but once your done with High School life starts working out better. Don't worry about not having a girlfriend, you don't need one yet. Just do good in school, stay away from drugs and drinking and join a sport or club. Good luck it will get better.

  9. well figure out what things you'd like to do with your life right now, you have 4 awkward,cool, and interesting years to look forward too, i know it sounds crazy but if theres something u want to do with yourself like joining a team at school, drama, or maybe u want to get a job, learn a language build character in yourself, so that u have a better outlook on yourself, then a woman will see that confidence, and woman like that.  cuz once your out of highschool it's time to grow up, and then you have to be able to take care of yourself. so enjoy it.
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