
Why dont i have dreams?

by  |  earlier

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i just go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. i dont think im just forgetting my dreams. i have a dream maybe once every two months and its about everyday things like siting in school or watching tv.. what wrong with me?




  1. It's not possible not to have dreams. I think you are just forgetting them. It's the same thing with me. I only have dreams a couple times a month that I remember. But the other ones I are just forgotten as wake up.

  2. You do have dreams. Everyone dreams you are not remembering them that is all. Some dreams stay with you when you wake up and others don't or fade very fast when you do wake up. when you dream you go into REM sleep this is where scientist feel that your brain works to store all the memories of things that you did and saw during the day.

    If you didn't have REM sleep you wouldn't have dream and if you don't have dreams you would not have a very good memory of things that happened the day before. You don't make any  mention of memory problems therefore you are dreaming just just don't remember them.

  3. Well my friend was like this. I guess you could be more creative. My dreams revolve around what I did that day.

  4. Everyone dreams, you just don't remember it.  It is a part of stage 4 and REM sleep.  If you are tired all the time, I mean really tired, maybe you aren't getting deep enough sleep, only entering stage 2.  Some people with Fibromyalga have that.

  5. People constantly have dreams. Even when they're awake.

    They're just sub-concious, so you don't always see them.

    I rarely see my dreams.

  6. You probably don't sleep very deeply.....probably because your bed isn't very comfortable......

  7. ok its perfectly fine if u dont have dreams u r just in a deeper sleep idr wat its called

  8. nothing is wrong with you darlin'.

    you just don't remember your dreams. some people remember most of their dreams. some don't. some people keep a bedside journal to write about their dreams when they first awake, not wanting to forget any details. often i don't remember my dreams till later in the day when something happens to jog my memory.

    no worries...SWEET DREAMS

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