
Why dont i see all my old friends anymore?

by  |  earlier

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do you know? if you can guess then best answer for you my friend




  1. How long since you have seen them.  And try to keep in MSN, hotmail, phone, TXT.

  2. Maybe because you are married with two kids and none of your friends are. They have all the free time in the world and you have to work a full time job.

    Maybe if they were true friends they would make an attempt to work around your schedule and come visit you. Not just want to take you out to the bar and get you drunk.

  3. there is a difference between seeing you friends and seeing them around you. You might be seeing them but they no longer come around you any more may be you arenot of good behaviour to them. My advise is that you go to them and find out where you went wrong and make amends.

  4. A lot of people change throughout time and unfortunately may or may not want to continue spending time with you. When I finished high school, all my friends went their own way so I no longer see them anymore. Of course that was 2 years ago so it doesn't affect me anymore, but still it isn't very fair when your friends quit spending time with you and don't really offer any explanation.

    I would try making new friends that you share a common ground with, and work your way up from there. You'd be surprised who's out there waiting on a friend.

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