
Why dont malt balls have flat spots in the chocolate??

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cordial cherries have flat spots where the chocolate sits on a flat surface to dry or harden, the same with buckeyes, but not on malt balls, why?




  1. They are put into a thing that looks like a cement mixer.  It is going round and round when they apply the chocolate.  After a bit the put a wax in the mixer thing and it all sets up as it turns so no flat spots!

  2. hmmmmm no idea but a very good question....

    the only thing i can think of is that once the malt ball gets the chocolate covering,  it goes through a flash cooling process, or a refridgeration process if you will, and the malt balls are constantly moving through a flash cooling machine

  3. They use a chocolate drum, like this:

  4. cos then it wudnt be a ball

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