
Why dont monkeys grow up to be humans?

by Guest67071  |  earlier

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I've allways wondered why they cant just super evolve... We were monkeys at one point right/ So whats the big deal???




  1. Genetic destiny of a species is not decided in years time it takes many thousand of years to become what suits there survival best in a given set of environments. Like modern day chimps, gorillas, rhesus monkeys etc can easily survive with the skills they are equipped with (if humans spare them) They can pass on new skills to next generation through there genes but it is so gradual. SO there might be a super-race evolving somewhere but humans are so curious to know everything that they ultimately will find out.

    Very relevant and interesting question though!

  2. This is the big misconception in evolution. We did not evolve from monkeys. We evolved from ancestor primates. You may make the argument that our DNA has much in common with the monkey. You can make the same argument for your cousin. You do not see yourself "super evolving" into your cousin.

    If people just learn the real information on evolution, then there would be a greater acceptance or few questions like the misconception above.

    Anyway, not a bad question. If you want to know more information on this topic, you can email me.

    Good luck.

  3. we never were monkeys evolution is not true, god created animals first then later he created man, look in the holy bible james king version in genesis first book. want to talk to me more my email is

  4. I believe in God when talking about our existence.

    We're not monkeys.

    But Darwin used to be a monkey.

  5. Everyone else who's answered so far has judged the answer. It's as simple as this:

    Evolution has no goal. It doesn't think. There's no solution. When species evolve it is not because they are trying to become more advanced and get cool new things(otherwise humans could fly and breathe underwater). It's merely a compilation of mutations that have by almost complete chance worked together to create an organism capable of surviving and reproducing.

    Monkeys will eventually evolve into better-suited-to-that-specific-environme... monkeys. For example, if a monkey with thinner fur can stay cooler than a monkey with thicker fur in light of global warming, then monkeys may eventually evolve to have less and less fur.

    Or if there's a disease wiping out monkeys...monkeys might evolve to show resistance to that disease.

    It's not as simple as, "let's become humans." Evolution isn't guiding them towards a finish line. It's providing mutations that may or may not be advantageous.

  6. what is the "james king" version of the Bible? That is one of which I have never heard.

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