
Why dont more drivers use blinkers to change lanes and turn corners?

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Why dont more drivers use blinkers to change lanes and turn corners?




  1. In my honest opinion it's because people just don't care about anyone else anymore.  Being considerate of others seems more and more to be a thing of the past and every new generation seems worse than the last.  I'm only 33 but see even I have not always been as considerate as I maybe should have been at times, and these kids today are absolutely horrible.  Sad to say but the world has become vaginized in all the wrong areas such as how we parent nowadays.  Kids had a lot more respect for their elders when their elders were aloud to kick the c**p out of them when they got out of line.  Now it's telling them to go sit in the corner while they tell you to go F yourself.  Then they grow up to be the ******* that don't even care enough to use their darn blinker.

  2. Because the law requiring turn signal usage is rarely enforced. People know they can get away with not signaling.

    I do use my signals for every turn and lane change, but I think I'm in the minority. Maybe some non-signalers can explain why they don't use turn signals!

  3. Because our society in general is getting careless and rude.

  4. Because they are complete idiots, nincompoops, illiterate (can not read/understand the laws) and criminals.

  5. Because it's such hard work to move their finger over to that lever and signal.....

    Honestly, I don't know why.  That's one of my biggest pet-peeves - especially when they nearly cause accidents by suddenly braking and turning but never signaling.  

    All I can figure is that drivers who never signal have no regard for anyone else sharing the road.  Signals aren't for THEIR benefit, they're for everyone elses, so why should they care or bother with them?

  6. I think your all missing the obvious.  As a trucker I notice that about 80% of these folks are on the cell-phone at the time they fail to signal.  Either that or digging for a ringing cell phone.  The other 20% fit the other reasons listed here.

  7. Laziness, distractedness and inconsideration....I always use my signals, even when I don't need to because it's become such a habit.

    And why don't more people wear seatbelts?  Do they really just love the idea of flying through a glass windshield or being thrown out of a hurtling car?

    No common sense.

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