
Why dont more people come to this section?

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The environment is extremely important.... we cannot live without it..

no matter about Global Warming - what about air pollution, deforestation, over population?

shouldnt it be the #1 interest of everyone to improve our environment??

yet there isnt hardly ever anyone here...




  1. I'm here MandB *and* I'm holding an olive branch.  :)

    Nice sentiment, and you're right.

  2. I honestly think it is the way that it is formatted. I just saw this section today, but my eyes always rolled right over because "Environment" is such a short and unnoticeable word when scrunched between "Entertainment & Music" and "Family and Relationships"

  3. Joshua is just trying to get laid.

  4. This is by far the best question I've seen all day! I completely agree. I don't understand why more people don't have the motive to do good for our planet!

  5. Honestly, I get tired of coming into this section and reading the exact same question over and over and over and over and over...

    ...that same question is asking the same thing, but written different ways and saying the same thing:  Global Warming is Coming & We're DOOMED!!!

    At one point, I swear that roughly 65% of the questions were in relation to Global Warming - and I hate to say it, but it seems that at least 75% of the answers for each of those questions were pretty much people quoting the same thing...  And of course, ANY opinion that doesn't "buy" what the Global Warming Doomsdayers are saying, gets either ignored, or scoffed at...REGARDLESS of any answer that is loaded with COMMON SENSE...

    There's more to protecting the environment than just Global Warming - but for many people it seems that Global Warming is the complete "Holy Grail" of their environmentalism.

    I suppose the question could be asked:  "If I'm so disgusted by the completely redundant questions, WHY would I return to at least read what's being asked?"

    Morbid curiosity.  That would be my answer...

    And because I don't bow down to the alter of global warming, most people will completely ignore and disregard pretty much any answer I give.  Oh well.  

    I will say this much - and if you've read this far, bear with me for a moment longer - REGARDLESS of your opinion in favor of or against the theory of Global Warming, COMMON SENSE should have each of us doing what we can to limit our impact to the environment around us.  That would mean minimizing our consumption of "stuff" - be it manufactured goods, fuel, LAND, SPACE, WATER, etc.  Minimize consumption.  Recycle wherever possible, and even reuse items if you can.  

    Change...actual required of all of us.  

    It's too bad.  I would guess that the majority of those who completely and 100% buy into the Global Warming theory will have stopped reading shortly after the start of this answer - because they'll see someone like me as a "threat".  To what?  I have no idea...  I guess they'll see me as a threat to their belief system...

    Remember folks:  COMMON SENSE.  That's the best philosophy to follow - unfortunately it's not too "common" anymore.  


  6. That is very true!!! Global Warming is the most important thing in the world, other than eggnog.


  7. I agree with you. In my opinion, we should have been more responsible for our planet right from the start of time! I will star this important question.

  8. It’s a strange question to answer but people are concerned especially those writing in to your question.  I follow the lead of those that are concerned and would actually do something to help the environment.  I recycle; I have planted trees on the mountains, etc, etc.  I have not seen one environmental group organize or plan any activity to plant trees or replace any vegetation.  Is that because those that claim to be such ardent environmentalists don’t want to get their hands dirty or do anything that would resemble work. All these people want to do is complain but have no solutions.

  9. b/c people don't care about this wonderful place we live on we only get one chance on Earth soo... why destroy it i mean it isnt hard to recycle it isnt hard to reduce the amount of energy we use!! Come ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!

  10. I agree that global warming is ver very important but right now other people arent asking that question anything about it so they dont ask about that so they dont come to this section. It isnt everyones #1 interest to improve our environment. But I know it is 3rd most important in my mind

  11. Because it's boring.

  12. i think no one comes here because it is boring. I personally, would rather be cruising around town in my gas guzzling SUV.

  13. Much of the damage to our environment was started with all of the coal usage in the 19 century, not just in the 20th like officials would like us to believe.

    I try to live with the environment and not do anything to hurt our earth but the truth is that so many things to help us live green are too expensive for the average family to afford.

    I recycle and yet can't afford to spend $4 a piece for reusable grocery bags.  To replace our existing vehicles with hybrids is way out of our budget.  The new gas option that uses corn to make fuel is a joke.  It cost just as much money and uses just as many resources to turn corn into fuel.  Oil is pumped from a hole in the ground.  How is that not natural?

    We are buying an existing house because we can't afford to buy land and build a green home but when we do upgrades/repairs we will research our green options and choose what is affordable to us.

    We have a family to raise and that is our priority.

    We recycle, conserve gas, grow a lot of our own vegetables in the summer and buy as much local food as possible.

    We do what we can and can't all be Ed Bagely Jr.  


  14. Because there are only so many ways to post the question, "We're facing imminent incineration and we're all to blame - what are you doing to look like you care?"

  15. I get turned off by all the bickering about global warming.  Like it or not, global warming is occurring and ignoring it will not make it go away.  I am a Special Assistant Forest Fire Warden for the State of PA and pretty much because of this one of my hobbies is Amateur Meteorologist,  I have noticed climate changes occurring for years as well as greater extremes in the weather which are indications of global warming.  It is happening and we need to act now or soon we will need to grow gills.

  16. Probably because people feel that it will take care of itself.

    I'm worried about the Black hole roaming around out there in the universe, that isn't broadcast on a daily basis.

    I'd like to jump ship off of earth, if it's before I die.

    If you think too hard about this, you'll make yourself sick.

  17. Simply because most ppl still believe we're not doing anything harmful to our dear planet, and if we are, Earth is going to survive it...

    God, how many times have I heard this... on tv, radio, internet... even among people I thought were my friends... family. As if they are stuck in the XV. century... Really sad.

    I can't repeat myself enough times: our planet is not gonna bear it forever... :(

  18. I did not even know this section was here... I just saw your question when I clicked on my yahoo answers home page! So thanks to you, I know there are others who care about the environment and want to talk about it! Thanks!

  19. Go to Oprah!

  20. I didn't realise this section existed.

    I'm very conscious of being green, I recycle EVERYthing at home, and I mean everything.

    I will keep looking at this section now I know it's here.

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