
Why dont my rabbit from the wild feel safe with me? it mom died so there was no way it could survive by itself

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i caught a wild baby rabbit but it wont eat. the mother died and there is no where it can wont eat and i am scared it is really young and the mother died so there isnt anyway it could survive with out a mother and it is about 3 weeks old. please help!




  1. It's not going to eat what you give it, because it's a wild animal.  It may not be done breast feeding.  How do you know for sure the Mom is dead?  Now that the bunny has your scent on it, if you found the mother alive, releasing it back is also a bad idea.  The mother would reject it because it smells different.  Find an animal rescue in the area.  Maybe if it is placed in a controlled situation with other wild bunnies and mommies, then it will survive.  I am afraid that if you keep it, it will certainly die.  Don't ever pick up or handle wild animals, even if they are cute and furry.  It is a death sentence for them.

  2. If it's 3 weeks old, fully furred, with eyes open, it has a much better chance of survival if you release it into the wild.  Wild rabbits have an instinctual fear of humans, most waste away and die within days or weeks of being in captivity.  If you don't think it is capable of surviving on its own, get it to a rehabilitator, who has experience with wild rabbits, to give it a reasonable chance at survival.  

    In addition to the fact that it will likely die quickly if you keep it, wild rabbits carry internal and external parasites as well as bacteria that, while not harmful to rabbits, can cause an infection in you or one of your pets.  In most places, it is also very much illegal to keep any wild-caught animal without a permit.  Look here: for a wildlife rehabilitator near you.

  3. I think that its adapted to the wild.  Im sorry but in order for the rabbit to survive, you have to send it back where you found it. =)

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