
Why dont obese people just eat less instead of expecting miracle cures from NHS?

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  1. Maybe thay're just food addicts? You know, they feel down if they don't stuff their face. But you're right, it is waste of money woth slimming drugs, they put the weight back up as soon as they finish the treatment anyway!

  2. walk a mile in my shoes.

    my sister is a size ten I am double that - she can eat me under the table - explain that. We have same levels of exercise in fact I probably do more than her. She also drinks to excess, I don't drink, I don't eat saturated fat, I have my wholegrains, my fruit and veg, don't eat red meat, live on salmon and chicken. She eats kebabs, fry ups and stuff I would never put in my mouth.

    Obesity is far more than what you put in your mouth. She gets wolf whistles, I get barked at like I am a dog. It's not easy to get your weight down, if it were companys like weight watchers wouldn't exist.

  3. so you are a perfect 10 then are you ?  well lucky you, fortunately we are all different shapes and sizes. if fat ppl are such a drain on the nhs and your money then i suspect that you yourself are not a smoker, a drinker, have never taken recreational drugs, do not indulge in any sports at all and do not drive a car or walk the pathways because if you do, you to will be a drain on the nhs in receving treatment for your self inflicted diseases or accident. being overweight has a LOT more to do than stuffing your face with cake all day. i havent had a peice of cake for 6 months or more, can count on one had how many peices of chocolate i have had this year and have visited a takeaway or pub no more than a dozen times this year and i visit the gym at least 3 times a week to do cardio and weight training and i walk every day yet i still need to lose some weight. short of sewing my mouth shut there is nothing further i can do to shift those last few stone. would you rather i put some more weight on and became a real drain to the nhs in the future whilst they try to control my insulin levels and kidney funtion or take a few pills to become a 'normal' weight ?  i suppose nhs stop smoking clinics in your eyes then are also a waste of money, why don't smokers just stop smoking instead of expecting miracle cures from the nhs ?  answer - because it's not that easy !  unless you have knowledge of how it is to be fat then you have no right to judge anyone.

  4. When 'fat' people get to the stage where they need extra and different help, it's too late to start eating less and excesses. Let's spare a thought for those who's overweight is due to glandular problems when just nothing medicinal can help - they have to endure their lives as is. However, obesity and 'big bodies' causes cardiac and related problems - healthwise, and therefore medical fraternities mustdo something to help these people - it will be cheapr in theh long run than to have heart attacks/stroke patients/respiratory related problems/ heart failure patients to treat - costs mega bucks. HEALTHY eating habits must be the centre thought in every parent and or single people's minds - then these obese problems might be halved!!!!

  5. I agree. Total waste of money that is needed for other people who really have no control of their genuine illnesses.

    There is no mystery to fat people.

    They eat more of the wrong type of foods and exercise less.

  6. Because obesity has become medicalised.

  7. My brother and I had the same Mother but different fathers.

    We have completely different metabolisms .

    Both of us played sport , we ate the same food that mum cooked [No take aways] went to same school , had the same group of friends [we were only 18 mths apart] so forth and so on.

    My brother has always eaten as much or more than me when we were kids .

    He is now in his thirties eats take away food all the time , drinks lots and lots of beer doesn't excise , you know the type I'm talking about .

    I rarely eat take away , cook my own food , meat and veggies and fruit , don't drink at all , have no vices [except the odd joint or two or three ] get a good 8 hours sleep a night and try to excise a little [Not as much as I should]

    GUESS who's fat ?..

    Not my skinny little brother . I'm  overweight not him ..

    It really pisses my off when I hear people say all fat people have to do to lose weight is stop eating ..THAT'S GARBAGE

    Hey Pin Ball ........I'll bet you are young and have never been overweight ?

  8. Because we live in a blame free society that does not like to demonise anyone.

    Nobody is considered at fault for anything and there is always an excuse they come up with up for it.

    Bad manners - poor thing has been bullied at school.

    Violent - came from a broken home without guidance.

    Overweight - they don't eat too much, it's in the genes!

    Utter rubbish.....people need to learn to take responsibility for their actions and then they can do something about it. As long as there is an excuse, people will use it and we all end up paying higher and higher taxes to fund services designed to pamper their little behinds.

  9. 'It's not a disease.'

  10. I eat healthily and do plenty of exercise but am not thin.  I have an underactive thyroid and even looking at a mars bar will put a stone of weight on me!  

    But, in the great scheme of things, if your weight is the only thing that is worrying you you are very lucky.  All these skinny, shallow people who can't see past someone's weight are just pathetic.  Let's see what shape they are in once menapause etc. kicks in in their mid 40s.  Most of these criticisers will no longer be their skinny little selves.

  11. fat people are fat

  12. that's what i thought when i saw the news this mornin. i think the NHS should stop wastin money on making miracle weight loss tablets and just let them exercise.

  13. The same could apply to fertility treatment the world has enough people whay should the NHS pay millions to enlarge the population. I for one object to that more as being infertile never killed anyone being overweight does frequently.

  14. I think if it was that easy then they would! I think thats a very sinical point of view you have there(and im not obese).

    edit: You can't just say people are fat because they eat to much there are other things that can cause weight problems, i.e Thyroid problems, i dont know if i spelt it right, but thyroid can cause you to be rediculously skinny, or rediculously large it can cause other problems aswell. i'm no doctor but im sure there are other things aswell such as depression? they may need steroids for other illnesses.

  15. maybe they don't expect miracle cures just a little help. why do smokers get help, but it okay to villify overweight people?

    Your comments are ill informed and offensive. Do some research then ask your question. How many people from concentration camps have you spoken to? I'm sure they would not advocate a bowl of scummy rice and weevils once a day. Is that what you want?

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