
Why dont people believe in chinese medicine or any herbal medicine? i mean american medicine kills you. ?

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its cause i used to take american medicine every time i was sick when i was young. it never seemed to help. until i was 10 my dad started to study chinese and herbal medicine. i know when you drink the medicine its very bitter. but it really helps. it is pr oven too! another answer, honey is not good for you. in the chinese medicine it says specifically that honey will cause the body to shutdown. i forgot what the sickness is called. you can eat it. but do not eat a lot of it. chinese medicine can treat parkinson's early stages, cancer, and a LOT of other sicknesses. if you live around the California San Jose and looking for a certified chinese medicine and acupuncturist. email me and i will give the address. this place is run by my family.




  1. I would rather use natural medicine. Anytime I have ever taken pills or anything western for my ailment there always seems to be side effects often worse than my original complaint.

    I think there are 2 mains reason why Americans don't turn to other types of medicine.

    1.) We tend to stick with what we know. It addresses the symptoms but not the cause. Giving us temporary relief.

    2.) Insurance doesn't cover the alternatives. Leaving us to pay for the unknown out of our own pocket.

    Besides multi-million dollar pharmaceutical companies can't make money off nature. You will never see commercial advertising everywhere you turn pushing the power of tomatoes and other stuff like that.

    I believe if we come from the earth then and created to live on earth, then everything we need was placed here with us to accompany us on our journey. Humans are natural, so should be our medicine.

  2. The Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines are the original.....before conventional medicine came in, The Chinese are certainly the masters of the herbs, and the reason why people dont believe in them is because they do not understand and it is easier to make a dr responsible for their health, instead of teaching people to take the responsibility themselves.........Good on you for pushing alternative medicine......the reason they are bitter is because they are alteratives...that is they alter the body's homeostatic balance back to normalcy.....when a person 's health improves, then the herbs dont seem to taste as bitter.

  3. The sad thing is that lots of people DO believe in TCM.

    They ignore the fact that literally millions of people are alive today thanks to the advances in scientific medicine.  Clean food and water, antibiotics, vaccinations, insulin, heart transplants....all of that is because of the scientific method, not some ancient mystical nonsense.

    As I usually point out, herbal remedies in general are at the plausible end of the AltMed continuum, but those used in TCM are particularly bizarred and unproven.

    And again...thanks for all the open minds

  4. Many people do believe in Chinese Medicine and more and more people are waking up to it. In fact, science is proving Chinese medicine efficacious and it is being recognized and recommended more and more by allopathic doctors. More and more health insurance plans are offering to cover Chinese medicine for specific conditions.

    The skeptics again talk about the scientific method but fail to do their own research. They just seem to want to discourage other people from exploring options that may actually help them. Perhaps these skeptics are not skeptics at all. Perhaps they work in a pharmaceutical company.

    I worked in a pharmaceutical company for a while, I know how it is with trying to protect those high profit drugs.  

  5. because they feel doctors know best. Since the docs don't trust the TCM, they don't trust it either.

  6. finally an intelligent person! Theres a reason herbs and plants are put in this earth; its to use them and to heal with them. you might be interested in this website:

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