
Why dont people boycott with the gas prices only going up and up for that a change could happen ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i am on your side.but you know something ,people wont.

  2. I agree with you, but think of it this way they need to stop raising it so we can get caught up, they can't really lower it, think of the shortages we would have if they lowered it too much, people would be stocking up and overstocking up on it to the point where it would be tapped out a whole 20 years sooner, The part that kills me is that it changes every day, it is never the same price, if the gov't would just freeze it at like $3 a gallon people could adjust to it, but the fluctuation is what is hurting people, I think they just need to conserve the oil we have left and start concentrating not on car seats in cars to make money but cars that run off of sunlight or cars that run off of garbage or water, then we wouldn't have to worry about running out of oil

  3. The problem is that there are winners and loser in this sorry econ mic mess . Today the population is very divisive, not everyone are thinking  the same, they all have an "agenda" look after no 1.

    ppl have to be convinced there's something in it for them it would take very little to disrupt the gravy train that is the utility companies, all I'd need to do is create an Petition of customers willing to refuse to pay any higher bills .Once his has reached say 100,000 ppl (I know it's a lot ) try to gain enough publicity OVER TV ,RADIO, INTERNET. Saying as from a certain date these ppl will stop using gas. the negative publicity would cause share prices in the companies to fall as they(companies ) are valued on there customer base. This will hurt them the most and the Beauty of this Idea is that no 1 would have to not use gas just SAY THERE NOT USING GAS let the negative  publicity do the rest.

    It's not perfect but I'd think it would work. do a poll on QA see what result you get.

  4. Boycott who?  For how long?  The truckers are going under, that alone should bring some attention to things. There is nothing that can be done about this, it's a disaster everyone knew was coming, but did not care.  Hubris.

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