
Why dont people call studing other or older cultures?

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what people like us say this is how they used these and why they had them,., becuase they are wrong and not what other cultures realy did with what they have left behind,.., JUST becuase we cant really learn what they did doesnt mean we should call it that anyway!




  1. This person is attacking archaeology because they don't think we can make accurate assessments of past human behavior. While I agree that sometimes archaeologists can get carried away with the whole "ritual" thing, I strongly disagree with the overall statement. In many cases we do know exactly what an object was and how it was used. It's a little harder when dealing with pre-history, but still possible. In fact I'd say archaeologists generally have a better idea of what they're talking about than descendant populations. And even if we cannot absolutely categorize any given object it doesn't mean we cannot learn anything valuable from studying it or the culture it came from. We CAN learn about how people in the past lived and that knowledge does have applications to our lives today. Besides, with the recent coupling of archaeology, chemistry, biology, physics and remote sensing, there are many things we now can say are an absolute. Archaeology is often regarded as being unprovable, but that is no longer true in many cases.  

  2. I'm sorry. Could you please re-state your question, using complete and grammatically correct structure?

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