
Why dont people donate things?

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Im trying to source donation for our dance school's trivia night - and no-one (out of 100 companies) will donate anything!! What am I doing wrong??

Ive sent an email to 100 different companies - and they havent replied after a week, and the 6 that have replied have said no!

Any ideas??




  1. Companies get many requests for donations and have to decide based on their own priorites,.  Some want to donate to places where they may get potential customers, some want to thank past customers,some want to help people in need etc.   Almost all want to give mostly to nonprofit organizations. so they get tax credit and may see a dance school as being just another business,.  

    Start by contacting places you and your family shop either in person or by phone and be pre[pared to be asked and to answer how it will help the donating business.  The economy is hard on businesses too right now,

  2. I agree this is better done either face to face or over the phone.  Companies get so many, many e-mails. What exactly do you need? You need to tell the companies what you need.

    You could also look within the school community itself. Ask parents their companies that they work for could donate. That way there is a personal connection.

  3. You have to this sort of thing face-to-face.

    Someone is always asking them for donations for all sorts of things and they don't have the time or the staff to reply.  I'd go where the kids shop and ask them.  You can attach their cards to the donations so the kids know where they came from.

    Grocery stores try to be helpful.  When you and your group go out, you can go two at a time, dress nicely, speak well, and tell them exactly how their donation will make a difference to your project and why it would be helpful to their business to donate.  Don't go during their busiest times.

    We had a raffle of items donated by vendors who displayed at our annual conference.  Their donation was requested in every bit of literature we sent out.  I still had to go to each, remind them, and pick up the item.  I always thanked them profusely.  They knew the purpose of the convention - to educate teachers, so it was easy for them to see that a copy of a textbook or mug would be greatly appreciated.  Still, it took personal contact.

    It takes personal skills and finesse and the ability to thank them for their time and consideration even if they don't donate.  They might next time.  

    Remember, you will be representing your school and they will judge your school by how you do this.

    Good luck.  Have a great dance.

  4. With the way that the economy is currently that doesn't surprise me. It seems that everyone is pinching pennies. Things are only going to get worse before they get better and everyone knows this. It's hard to donate to others when you are in a bind yourself money wise.

  5. Been discussing such with the Salvation Army store management in our State.

    Generally opinion is that people can no longer afford to donate things like they use to.

    Have you tried going around to the companies door to door - with a folder all about the school - and with an overview of WHAT THEY GET OUT OF IT - maybe their name in the school newsletter, dispalyed for the trivia night, printed on the trivia night sheets

    they have to have a carrot dangled - there needs to be something in it for them - EVERYONE wants EVERY business to help their charity or not for profit organisation and it is just too mcuh

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