
Why dont people love dogs?

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now i cant help it if i live in a small aparment on the 6th floor.

I am out all day but i do walk the dog later and take it out for a wee which it sometimes does in the lift poor thing.

Now i been told that my dog is barking and hoaaling all day long as my nieghbours dont realise they themselfs moan and shout all day too. My dog is not still has dog rites.

Now i did clean up the lfit but they still went mad at me for the smell it left. Also when my dog does his number 2 i do pick it up and dispose of it proper but when its only a wee, i know it stains the nice marble flooring we have in our entrance and i know it leaves a nasty strong smell, but my poor dog has to go somewhere and cant wait to get out to the nice park where i normally take him and let him go free to run around poor thing.But then i get nasty angry mothers running up to me to take my dog away why do people hate dogs




  1. Because there mean!

  2. Hey you are the dude that was telling people that your pit bulls bit a little girls face. Hello, I can't believe people have not found out that you are just a troll. They don't want you near their children because they know you pits are aggresive and will chew their kids face off! I'm going to get a bear and let him chew your face off how would you like that you idiot!

  3. Your poor dog, shut up in an apartment all day.  No wonder it howls.  I LOVE dogs, but I do not like selfish owners who let their dogs and neighbours suffer.  Your dog does have rights, but you do not have the right to submit your neighbours to noise and smells.  

    Either pay someone to come and take your dog out during the day, put him in a day kennel, move somewhere with a yard, or re-home him to someone who can look after him properly.

  4. You say you cant help having a dog in an apartment that pees in the lift.

    Your other question says they should have dog inspectors to stop people having dogs who live in concrete jungles and have to use the lift as a toilet.

    According to the posters above me you say you pit bull bit a child and than say why do mother get angry with you.

    Are you a troll?

  5. well these people sound extremely odd, maybe to save them the trouble to have to get mad, if you have a friend nearby they can take your dog for  a walk during the day so that it isn't lonely, dogs are pack animals and like companionnship

  6. Because some of them don't like dogs like you do. They doesn't understand your feelings and your dog's feeling.

  7. Some people are dog people , some are cat people. You can't win either over. Just love your dog, and forget about the rest.

  8. Why do people hate dogs?

    Well, for one, they bark and howl all day in the appartment next door. And they use the lift, which you (and visitors, if so be the case) have to stand in to get to your house, as a toilet, leaving a smell on whoever enters it and thus spreading the stench through your house. Oh, and we must not forget the smelly stains on the marble in the entrance hall, which makes coming home a very unpleasant experience!

    I really don't know.

  9. Because you are not doing right by your dog. If you aren't able to let your own dog out during the day then you should have a dog walker come in or don't own one. He is barking because he is bored and this is frustrating your neighbors and himself because he just keeps seeing the same 4 walls. When taking him out pick him up if you can...that will keep him from making a mess until you get to the area that he is allowed to do his business in. As for people not liking him you are taking him to a park where there are tonnes of people and letting him off leash to work off his frustration with no control. Perhaps some of his behaviours are the issue and not the dog itself...does he chase the children or run off on his own? If you want to let him off leash then take him to a dog park...otherwise keep him on leash and stop being lazy and walk him.

  10. I love dogs, but if I lived in an apartment and somebody had a dog that barked all the time, it would drive me crazy. A house is a place for a dog.... not an apartment.

  11. They don't hate dogs. They hate you for being irresponsible and an annoying neighbor. Tenants pay to live in that place. They don't pay to have dog p**s all over their lobby floors. What the h**l do you think your doing? Are you in some sort of daze? Bloody wake up, out of it and stop being a d**n idiot. Dogs are a nuisance to others cause they bark all day annoyingly. Your dog seems to be a nuisance. Get rid of it. Or move.

    You are the reason why people like cats more.

  12. ughh i hate people like that it's like sweetheart they're dogs they don't know any better just like they're kids don't know any better when they are kicking and screaming. I mean like if you clean after your dog then there shoudln't be a problem why are they still ******ng ? I think it's better to hear the sound of a dog howling than a mad woman screaming. :]]] if anything use some sort of spray to let the smell of urine out. and next time a mad person comes to your door talking smack simply tell them hey you know what my dog doesn't know any better if it needs to go pee it's gonna go pee if it needs to sh*t it's gonna sh*t So how about you stop coming to my place and argue." aghhh i am sorry you have to go through this I honestly would have cracked a LONG time ago. lol People don't like dogs simply because they go by what they see on tv such as dogs gone bad and they see this as a threat for they're kids. Which is pretty sad because once one dog screws up it screws it up for the rest setting a bad example for other dogs I wish you the best of luck <3333

  13. People don't hate dogs they dislike irresponsible owners.Your dog is urinating in a lift and yes urine does leave a nasty smell.Could you ask one of your lonely neighbours to doggy sit while you're out.Dogs have an amazing intellect and react to being bored.Picture yourself being in your apartment all day alone with no toilet.At least turn the radio on and try and train your dog to use a large litter tray.As a mother I can say I'm not impressed when my childs' playground is overtaken by an unleashed animal.

  14. Some people are scared, some people are alergic, some people get sore heads from them barking all day. There are quite alot of reasons why people hate dogs. Maybe your dog is lonely.

  15. i have the same problem but i have 2 dogs:D......their all b*****s.....only a 50 year old asshol can`t see the beauty of a dog,you just do it your way and what can they do?......kill your dog it`s against the law **** them stupid like i`s easy don`t let them see your emotions,be stong in front of them,what they do know,the stupid asshol i would kill him right now with a cutter and see his blood bleeding all over the place:))))))) sorry i was too do it your way:)

  16. because mothers think the dogs will ahrm their children

    with all the news about children being attacked by dogs... its no wonder

    some people have phobias

    some are allergic

    etc, etc

  17. Sod the neighbours what is of more concern is your dogs well being; if you are out working all day and your dog is making a lot of noise, then he isn't a happy dog. You need to think about your dog, what can you do to relieve boredom? Have you thought about an indoor doggy toilet? You need to help your dog learn that he doesn't need to keep barking and howling all day. You could do with a behaviourist help, so you can solve the problem at the root cause.

    I have a dog, I love dogs, but I would be annoyed if someone elses dog was being left alone all day and was constantly barking. Its not very pleasant.

  18. There are quite a few things you can do. Firstly your dog barks and howls all day because of what is called separation anxiety. leaving a television on and plenty of toys for occupy him while you are away will do wonders here.  There are some doggy toys that will keep them amused for hours. You can train him to do his business on newspaper in the laundry during the day, then all you have to do is change the paper. there are also commercial trays and pads available for the same purpose. Cleaning up accidents with vinegar will get rid of the smell. Spend plenty of time with him and give him plenty of exercise once you are home. Don't forget that he needs plenty of water during the day. You can successfully have a dog and work but you must put the time and effort into it and i don't think that these people hate dogs, they are just concerned.

  19. you shouldn't have a dog, dogs need attension, and freedom, and nice socializing place to walk and do there business.

    get a house or a better apartment.


  20. Is this the same that attacked the girl..I don't think this post is for real.

    do you even own a dog.

    If for real, then you need to clean up after your dog better..

    and they are not hating your dog, or really hate dogs, they just hate people that live in tiny apartments and do not take proper care of their dogs......

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