
Why dont people realize that global warming is a hoax the climate is always changing and it always?

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Why dont people realize that global warming is a hoax the climate is always changing and it always?




  1. it isnt a hoax. according to science.

    yes i agree with u; the climate always changes. but has it always changed to the extent that greenland is melting?

    i dont think so.

  2. Because they get brainwashed in school and people are not taught history anymore.  Most of them are not old enough to realize that the weather patterns are cyclical.  In addition, the media keeps saying the same things over and over and over, so people believe it must be true because, God forbid, the media would never lie to us about anything!

  3. 70 MILLION TONS!!! of CO2 is pumped into our planet's appleskin thin atmosphere by MAN -EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!

    CO2 is a  strong greenhouse gas.

    THIS IS THE CAUSE of GWarming!  

    NASA says GW is man-made. NASA sent us to the moon! But some skeptics dont even believe that. Some of these morons still believe the earth is flat in fact.

    Go to school, get educated. The Trillion dollar Fossil fuel industry sheisters are everywhere trying to confuse the uneducated masses. Get educated. Science is real and GW is real.

    Dont believe the crackpots. Most are over 60 and dont CARE if the earth boils because THEYLL BE DEAD ANYWAY in 20 years. If you're young, you should be very very concerned about GWarming.

  4. see there is global warming just not really caused by humans thats where people are making the first mistake because as almost everyone is saying the ice is melting sure but growing in other parts and where it has been melting actually begun before the industrial revolution but we do need to do something about burning fossil fuel, nuclear power, fission,fusion...wind,tidal and solar power good way to go about dropping co2

  5. Because those past episodes of change have been studied and greenhouse gasses accounted for much of the warming.

    Fossil study links extinctions to warming

    Past natural cycles signal what CO2 emissions might mean for species

    Whenever the world's tropical seas warm several degrees, Earth has experienced mass extinctions over millions of years, according to a first-of-its-kind statistical study of fossil records.

    And scientists fear it may be about to happen again — but in a matter of several decades, not tens of millions of years.

    Four of the five major extinctions over 520 million years of Earth history have been linked to warmer tropical seas, something that indicates a warmer world overall, according to the new study published Wednesday.

    "We found that over the fossil record as a whole, the higher the temperatures have been, the higher the extinctions have been," said University of York ecologist Peter Mayhew, the co-author of the peer-reviewed research published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a British journal.

    Earth is on track to hit that same level of extinction-connected warming in about 100 years, unless greenhouse gas emissions are curbed, according to top scientists.

    A second study, to be presented at a scientific convention Sunday, links high carbon dioxide levels, the chief man-made gas responsible for global warming, to past extinctions.


    So how could global warming be a hoax when rising carbon dioxide levels have been linked to rising temperatures and mass extinctions in the past?  We're simply releasing the carbon this time.  Why is that difficult for some people to understand or accept?

  6. when you make a large group of ppl fear somthign it unites them. the governments are making it seem like somthign is wrong so that we will be united as a nation. its the same deal with the americans and the iraq  war. if they make the nation fear an enemy they will be united against that enemy.

  7. Because supposedly credible people like Al Gore, who really are probably just in it for the money, make it seem credible and plausible.  Of course they also have plenty of facts to back up their supposed claims since climate change is legitimately happening.  What they downplay or outright lie about is that our actions are having almost nothing to do with causing it.

    Check my link for an interesting look at Al Gore's personal commitment to the environment and you may view his integrity differently.

  8. hippies

  9. Climate change is a money and power grab scheme by the bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It's nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

    Con artist and politicians (here unnamed, but you may call him "Mr. Environment") have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos who will speak with great charm in the appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  10. Congress has a tendency to enact "feel-good" bills without adequately considering the costs to American businesses and families. The result is almost ALWAYS add a heavy drag on growth, giving our global competitors a significant competitive advantage courtesy of the U.S. Congress.

  11. u r a hoax...

  12. Nobody knows the real truth. So we can just speculate.

    But still, it's good to cut down on carbon emissions, get more environmentally friendly - and if it's just for our health & fuel reserves ;-)

  13. One of the reasons is because back in the 70s scientists all said that the earth was heading towards a freezing period and that everyone was going to be blocks of ice in a hundred years.  

    Science is good and all, but I am a little skeptical when they can't make up their mind on what global temperatures are trending towards.

    That, and people blow the fact that the earth is warming WAY out of proportion.  It seems to be a fashionable trend.


  14. A. If climate is always changing, then why is it a hoax that the globe can warm??? Your question makes little sense...

    B. If global warming is a hoax, then what is melting the Arctic ice? "Intelligent Melting?"

  15. That's the price you pay for enlightening yourself with verifiable information from credible sources, I guess.

    Global climate change as is currently discussed is not a discussion of historic and natural changes.  It is a theory of the planet's inability to further absorb the negative impacts put forth by humanity.  For the better part of 200 years, people have been polluting the air, soil and water upon which we and other species rely.  Now humanity has to pay up.  A global "put up or shut up," as it were.  If we don't "put up," we'll find out who was right and who wasn't within the next 10 or 15 years.  Way, way, too late to say "I told you so!" and wag a finger. Then, we can have a whole different kind of discussion about the hoaxacologists and denialists hanging on in the face of the overwhelming body of evidence.  Then, everyone will say 'they knew it was real, and they took action' before they were mandated to by a lackluster government slow to lead.

    Why don't people realize that you need to empower yourself by learning about what's going on, and what can be done?

  16. dude if global warming isn't happening why is green land melting!! you need to find out whats happening and if you don't believe it that's your problem

    but when you finally realize its happening it will be to late

    and if it isn't HEY we can make it never come!!

    so ONE TIP!!


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