
Why dont people say that they are voting for mccain?

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I know people around me don't say who they want to win, in school I notice that kids were bragging about obama, and they wanted him to win but I never heard no one (well people that I know) talk about mccain.




  1. Maybe because no on that you know is voting for him?

  2. It's no one's business WHO I'M voting for.  That's what the secret ballot here in the U.S. is for.  

  3. Because McCain wants to finish what Bush started.

    1. Keep the war going for up to a hundred years if it takes him.

    2. Drill deeper into Iraq for MORE harmful gas.

    3. Give tax cuts to the rich and make the poor/middle class pay twice as much.

    But hey everybody has free will.

  4. He has more experience!!!!!!  

  5. I think its a case of people being afraid that they will be "put down". You could easily go to the Elections category and you'll see that the amount of McCain supporters is overwhelming. Stating you support Obama in that category is tantamount to cutting your wrists off. Same thing with the school scenario you stated; people are afraid to challenge the opposition, especially when that opposition is more in number.  

  6. the american people are sick of republicans s******g up our country

    hopefully this time we'll get it right, but thats the beauty of democracy, the people decide - right or wrong, for better or worse

  7. I like Obama because he is telling the truth and honest.

    I don't like people who judge others and think that they are racist if they vote McCain and that don't make sense at all.

    I bet Queen ME think I am racist but that fine with me ,because I hate no one.

  8. Maybe because they know that McCain is not a good candidate, and even if they aren't voting for Obama, voting for McCain is nothing to brag about.

  9. Because it is POP culture to vote for Obama.

    Usually Politics are not talked about in public. The people that support Mccain may feel unpopular as far as society would see them.  

  10. it's the "cool" thing to support Obama. He's a real celebrity. He's even been on the cover of US Weekly. But we need a leader, not a cool celebrity.

  11. Ok my simple and slow and dumb white Friend Mccain does not

    care about nobody but himself reason number one he only cares about

    the Rich Reason number 2 he is Bushes Sidekick reason number three

    and he is to old and it will soon be time for him to kick the bucket he is to old let somebody else have a turn that is not white obama will win

    deal with it my simple and slow white friend what. LOL!!!

    OBAMA O8

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