
Why dont people use their blinkers anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Im geting tired of people who dont signal their turns.




  1. cause I hate you for tailgating behind me too close

  2. where you from?

    ppl never did use them

    except that time they were taking that drivers test.

    na it's just ppl don't care, give a hoot

    like they would be doing you a favor letting you know which way they are going to go.

    I'm sure you know don't ever pull out in front of a car just because the turn signal is on.

  3. Why do you let it bother you? Why do you let it define who you are? Why do you let it dictate the rest of your day? There are people on the road who will do things that are contrary to the established rules and guidelines, but you don't have to bring them home with you so that your wife and coworkers need to fight them too. Let it go. Life is too short to be mad at everyone who you think did you wrong. If you are having this much trouble dealing with other drivers, take the bus. Otherwise, obey the rules, get you, your vehicle, and your passengers to the destination undamaged, and stop whining. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

  4. They couldn't afford the option? ;-p

    They think that other people are clairvoyant and can anticipate when they're going to change lanes or turn.

  5. That is so d**n frustrating.  I think it's just a matter of arrogance, they think they're the only ones that exist on the roads and nevermind anyone else.  They annoy the h**l out of me!

  6. Thats easy....everyone in the world assumes that you're psychic.  They only do that to you though.  It was on yahoonews....ATTENTION!! Joe is a psychic!  Think about naked chicks all day or he'll melt your don't need to signal for him anymore...he

    OK, now that i've got that out of my system, I guess I'd just have to say the reasoning is laziness.  People stopped walking anywhere 20 years they don't even want to take the effort to move a little plastic stick.   Just mental sloth.  Oh well, welcome to humanity in it's decline.  It all started with turn signals with the dinosaurs too....

  7. It's the me only thinking. As stated before their the only one they care about and I'm not to sure about that, are themselves. You will notice the same group of idiots generally drive with their fog lights on all the time and if there not on their using their brights and don't dim them for on coming traffic, I guessing part of the reason behind that being since they have no clue where the turn signal indicator is they also would not have any idea how to work the high beam switch either. Isn't it wonderful living on a planet full of inconsiderate  A- holes

  8. Ha, I'm not sure.  It makes me angry, too.  

    If they have one that doesn't work and need to use hand signals, then I think that's okay - but not okay to just not signal.  It's like they think that they are the only ones on the road, and immune to accidents.  

    To the people who do that:  WE CAN'T READ YOUR MINDS.

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