
Why dont people wash new clothes before they wear them?

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I know a bunch of people that will just wear clothes right off the rack without washing them first, I know a lot of people do it actually. But I don't get why? Its disgusting. Other people can try those cloths on before you do and you dont have the slightest clue of what types of germs or dieseases they carry. Or whether they even showered before going shopping. I tryed to explain this to my roomates but they think I am insane for washing all my new clothes before I wear them.




  1. What they do with their new clothes is their business.

    What you do with yours, is your business.

    Some like the feeling of something brand new, and that feeling can be lost with washing.

    Do you take your new winter coats to the dry cleaner before first wearing it?

  2. You know.. I wash them, especially undergarments, bras and bathingsuits...  so I think it's insane not to do otherwise.  I saw a hispanic girl yesterday wiith her mom at Sears yesterday ( about 14) she came out to show her mom the suit she tried on.. a bikini with no undergarments on... think how many other genitalia came in contact with the bottoms??  Herpes can be spread this way as can Hepatitis B!  

  3. Because they are factory fresh.  

  4. ~~EEEWWWW, I always wash new clothes and assume everyone always does. They are touched, handled, thrown around, etc. way before we buy them. That would be the same as not washing fresh fruit and veggies prior to eating!~~

  5. You are being a little bit too sensitive about this. The life of the average bacterium away from a host is measured in seconds not minutes or more.

    If you want to wash underwear, that could be understandable, but other garments should be just fine the way they were when you got them home.

  6. It's a matter of preference. I wash most things, but not other things. I don't launder coats.

    And don't get bent at Joyce are really judgemental. Just read your question and what you wrote to her.

  7. Hope you don't try clothes on in the store either then. You'd be getting the same germs that way to be honest. I mean I see your point. I don't try on clothes, but I'm a guy so I have certain advantages that I just have to know my size. Most clothes are cut the same way for a guy. I remember the old days the point was to wash your clothes before you wore them because they may shrink in the first wash and that way you'd be safe at the size they'd be. I think since about the time of shrink guard is when people really stopped.

  8. I can't speak for other people, but I can speak for myself, and I always wash my brand new clothes before wearing them. ..

  9. I guess they think it is clean, and don't realize other people try it on.

  10. i do

  11. II agree with Joyce B.. have never gotten sick from new clothes. I think sgoldper... has a good point. If you tried on the clothes in the store then you already got the germs.

  12. I don't know....because I generally wash things before wearing them.  My reasons are different from yours for doing it, though.  Many fabrics have a "finish" on them that makes them look good on the hanger, but if you don't wash it out and spill something on them, it seems to make it harder to get the stain out.  Plus, I don't like the feel or the smell of fabrics before they are washed.  So I'm with you, for a different reason.  I seriously doubt many germs would live on fabric long enough to make you ill, but if it creeps you out....keep washing first!

    Good luck.

  13. I always wash my new clothing before wearing them for the first time.  You really never do know what kind of a journey they have been on before getting to the store, much less how many times they have been tried on, and by whom.  

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