
Why dont progressive lenses work for golf_?

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Why dont progressive lenses work for golf_?




  1. I really don't know why they wouldn't work.  I have had progsressive lenses since they were first introduced a number of years ago. I am at the age requiring all three lense corrections, and when I tried to play golf with the regular tri-focals, it was not a pleasant experience, so I had a special pair of distant only sun glasses made to play golf in.  Now, I couldn't see, or read, the golf card or scores, which often was better that I didn't. So went to the progressives and am still playing golf and wearing them.  The only thing I might suggest is to go back and have your optical store re do the lenses..maybe adjust or enlarge your corrections to fit your needs.  Would like to know how you get this worked out.  Matter of fact, as I write this, I'm wearing my tri-focals. Hope you work it out.

  2. They do.  It just takes a while to get use to dipping your head a bit and looking through the upper part of your lenses.  Just like reading a book where you have to look through the bottom 1/3 of the lenses.  I have progressive lenses and it took me a while to get use to looking through the upper part for the ball after I stuck it.

  3. It could be the size lens that you have. I had sunglasses made but I couldn't get them with progressive lens because of the size of the lens. They are large wrap arounds for wind protection due to dry eye.

  4. Progressive lenses have three  areas of vision: The close up for reading, punching the keys on the keyboard of the computer, then the Arms length distance for work which is beyond the immediate close work and then the distance vision for any thing out of reach. Many golfers at the country club have glasses especially made for golf and those lenses  focus on the ball as one takes his stance. Every one else has to keep tract of the ball and its final position after the shot. Others use bifocals for golf, the lower section for set up and the upper portion for distance.

  5. I have progressive lenses.  You're right.  I can't golf in them either.  I usually play without glasses, but I have a heck of a time seeing distance.

  6. They probably could, if suitably cut.  But progressives have a smallish reading area, capped by a largish distant-vision area, and they aren't much good at intermediate distances such as to look at a golf ball on the ground.  I tried progressives, and didn't care for them; it is inherent in the physics that you will have bad astigmatism errors in the corners of the reading field -- and I found that field too small to be good for reading.  So now I use regular bifocals.

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