
Why dont restaurants as simple as pizza joints, not take a simple order just 3 mins after their closing time?

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Why dont restaurants as simple as pizza joints, not take a simple order just 3 mins after their closing time? I was wondering. Coz its not that we are asking them to prepare food for free.. and as simple as doin something like sprinkling some toppings and putting it in oven..they instead to loose money and disappoint a customer and leave her/him hungry :(




  1. Im sure the restaurant would love to pay another 50bucks in labor for the restaurant staff just so your LAZY butt can get your pizza.... I agree, learn to cook or read a clock....Typical, another person griping about something they dont understand.

  2. i totally understand how you feel. id always show up like 10 minutes even or even exactly closing time and theyd refuse service. it was frustrating. id even ask them if i could go back there and do it myself haha. then things came into perspective when i started working and getting involved in the restaurant/fast food business. theres a lot of prep work into closing such as cleaning. people who work maybe an 8 hour shift get really fatigued at the end of a day.

    i totally understand how you feel but i guess thats the way the world works =(

  3. Because it takes a while to cook food and after it's made it leaves behind a huge mess that has to be cleaned up on top of all the other duties that need to be done before you can close up. Going into a shop right before closing time and expecting service is really rude and I'm glad the person working there told you no.

    Try to make your own pizza and see how long it takes you! It's not a one-minute process!

  4. Well, I'm sure they are just like you in that when it's time to get off work they want to go home or do whatever else it is they do when they are not working.  Closing time is exactly what it sounds like.  Those times are set for a reason.  If you wanted the pizza that bad you would've ordered it before closing time.  There are things that have to be done when the place closes.  Like, cleaning, prepping for the next day and counting money and making out bank deposits.  The longer they make pizzas for inconsiderate self absorbed people like yourself the longer they have to stay to take care of those things.  

  5. Perhaps because their employees have lives they want to get home to and they have a set time to leave.  It may look like a simple order to you but there is a little skill to making a good pizza. "Pizza Joints" are not the highest paying jobs around and they work very hard for their money.  I know, I used to work in a restaurant.  Also, most restaurants have a lot of work to do when they close which would include cleaning the ovens which would hopefully be cool by the time they get to cleaning them.

  6. Some places will allow customers to order past closing time, but for the most part the people working there want to close and get home as scheduled, just like you and I at the end of a work or school day.

  7. Because closing time is just that - CLOSING TIME.  If they made an exception for everyone, they never would close or get out at reasonable time. They is much clean up to do after doors close at a simple pizza joint as you call it.  If they disappoint a customer because the customer cannot get up and call or order prior to closing time, so be it. The world does not revolve around you. You have the me me me mentality. Get over it.

  8. first off, working in food service sucks.  At the end of the day, an employee is tired and sore from a day at work and at the end of the day, a lot goes into closing.  From removing all food products from the kitchen back into the refrigerated storage, wiping everything down, sweeping floors, organizing money and credit slips for the day, cleaning the dining room, stocking for next day, etc.  usually 1-2 hours of work to be done and add a last minute order  and that just leaves more mess and more work.  not to mention it is not uncommon for an employee in the restaurant to be at work until midnight and then have to wake up and open the store the next morning.  cut them some slack.  they are doing their job properly.  just go to the grocery and buy a frozen pizza if you can not make it in on time.

  9. because the lazy workers are trying to hurry up and get out of there.

  10. 3 minutes after?  I just happened to me last night that some pricks didn't take my order 2 minutes BEFORE closing time...

  11. It's not their fault you can't read a clock!

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