
Why dont royal ar$e hole Prince Harry join the foreign legion if the British army dont want him?

by Guest33836  |  earlier

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...the French might find him some action???




  1. I'm really sorry to read some the the replies and I think you are being more than unkind. One you don't know the man, two you are guided by newspaper reports that give opinions that might be like yours. three, how do you think he feels about it.   Think on this, if he was killed or injured in fighting, the value in a propaganda sense would be out of this world. The enemy would go to a great deal of trouble to kill or main him, which could involved the deaths or injury to those fighting alongside him.  it would be nice, before you wrote somebody off if you gave a little thought to it. I'm sorry, your not fair.

  2. I am sorry I quite like the young t**t, but you made me laugh, never thought of that - great.  Actually, the way he is carrying on (like normal) they may send him off to some obscure Embassy to wreck havoc there - him and his bird Chelsy, or are they not an item.  But who cares, its really quite a good soap and I watch it.

  3. Who said the British Army doesn't want him? Are you mistaking their refusal to send him to Iraq as an indication that they don't want him full stop? Not very clued up on facts are you.

  4. Ting tong it isn't prince Harry who is the ar$e hole.

  5. Ting Tong OBE...I can see it now!

  6. A ginger in the middle of the desert. He'll be burnt to a crisp within a week.

  7. Probably because he wouldn't be able to give his fathers name; - Prince charles, or Hewitt - decisions, decisions!!!!

  8. Good idea.  The ginger tosser.

  9. Hello green eyed devil!

  10. He could always ask his father for advice. After all he was in the Army.

  11. For  your information the "French foreign Legion" no longer exists, I'm sure Prince Harry knows this, which makes him smarter than you.Before making stupid comments get the facts right. Edit.....            it's "doesn't  not "don't"

  12. What a wonderful suggestion

  13. little shite wouldn't get in the sally army,,

  14. Absolutely clueless.  The French?  Need someone to collaborate with do they?

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