
Why dont the Red Sox just give Ramirez a 3 year Deal and Kill all the Drama.. ...?

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I know He seems to Be deminishing this year. But i think that is as much over the whole contract thing than any skill erosion. Manny is VERY much the Kind of Player that Perifery things seem to effect his play.




  1. no, i want manny out of boston so ortiz has less protection. So no to a three year deal--send manny to the royals or the mariners or better to the NL. Being a yankee fan, manny scares me every time he hits against us, over the hill or not, he is still dangerous.

  2. right now i'm thinking manny is going to be with the red sox just until the season's over.

  3. The problem with Manny is that he's an unbelievable, possibly hall of fame, player, who no team wants to have around. I'm not going to get into the reasons why because Red Sox fans know them much better than me, but I will point out one telling example: A few years back, the Red Sox put Manny on waivers and offered him to anyone in MLB who wanted to take him for next to nothing. Nobody bit, in spite of what was obviously tremendous talent and clutch performances. Epstein made some comments recently about how they would like to trade Manny right now, but Manny has a no trade clause and even if he waived it, nobody would take him.

    Maybe they should send him to the Dodgers to play for Joe Torre, he seems to know how to handle people like that. Even Gary Sheffield didn't cause any problems until he realized the Yankees weren't going to re-sign him. Then when he left the team he called Torre a racist, which is a rediculous and offensive allegation.

  4. i tthink that manny would like a 3 or 4 year deal but the redsoxs are only offering a 2 year deal because his number are less plus he has been hurting this hole year.

  5. the reason they wont give him a 3 year deal, is because he is 36. and nobody knows how often he will get hurt, or how much he has left in him. But i think they should settle the contract thing now, so now manny will know whats going on next year, and he would have nothing to worry about, and he would play like the real manny.

    Long Live Manny being Manny!

  6. it seems like he doesn't want to be there or it seems like the red sox don't really want him..

    manny won't mind leaving because he said he won't object to a trade so maybe they want to trade..

    the situation is all sticky..

    i think manny's gonna stay though.. or at least go to national league

  7. Manny doesn't seem to want to be there aymore and whether you want to believe it or not, he's past his prime an there's no where to go for him but down.  The Red Sox would be smart to get rid of him now while they can still get some value in return for him.  I know Manny was a big part of the 2 World Series championships for the Red Sox, but sometimes you need to know when to cut your losses and continue building for the future.

  8. I don't think manny likes the intense media of Boston.

  9. i don't think i would give him a three year deal. i'm not even sure about a 2 year deal. it would probably be smart to let him stick around for next season, but it would be even smarter to get the trade talks going.

  10. Why pay this guy $20 million? He's not worth the money anymore.

  11. i guess dey dont want him back

    he has a high vorp

    i know most of you wont know wat vorp is

    its a sabermetric term meaning





    it would be hard to find sumbody as productive as manny ramirez

  12. That would be very bad to the Sox. First off I am not even sure if they are going to give him a two year deal. It would be smart to trade him. He is getting older and he will not be the same Manny he used to be. The Sox can't handle him, with all the Manny being Manny stuff, pushing a team secretary. He thinks he can take over the Red Sox. They can get at least 3 prospects.

  13. The Red Sox have two one-year options in Ramirez' contract. There does not have to be ANY sort of negotiation if they want to keep him for 2009 or 2010. All they have to do is exercise the options.

    At $20M each year, though, one can understand why Boston management will want to be prudent and certain.

  14. because they think he is lying about his sore knee and they dont know what to do with him right know after this is over theyll sign him for sure dont worry

    go tigers

  15. cause manny say he would want to be trade he said "i would not object a trade" plus he 35

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