
Why dont the american people get to pick who the Vice Presidential Nominee is?

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If americans get to vote in the President of the USA, then why dont we have any say over who the vice president is gonna be. Why do people like Obama and Mcain (who are actualy powerless people at this time) get to pick who ever they feel like picking to be the next in line for president if something was to happen to the president. Someone should start a blog about this and get the Laws changed so we get to pick who our vice president should be. and if you do atart one, send me the info.




  1. The American people do not get to pick the nominees of either party. The American people elect delegates who make that choice. It's the same way in the general election. The American people do not vote for President. We vote for electors who vote for President and Vice President.

  2. Because the vice president is basically an unimportant position, unless the president dies, and we do get to choose, by voting for the president of our choice and the vice president that he picked.

  3. Any more the American people don't even get to pick who the Number One spot on the ticket is!

    May I remind you that less than 50% of the populace support their party's pick for President? Neither Obama nor McCain are Americas best. Neither are the most qualified. The mass media has turned qualified people so off of the political process that they are no longer willing to run the gauntlet.

    American Politics have turned into a joke. And people like George Soros appoints who will run for office.

    McCain/Palin '08

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