
Why dont the yanks exploit the entertainment potential of public executions (read on?

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As a Uk fan of your policy I must say I am amazed that a country such as yours fails to maximise the potential of public executions, they could be turned into family day outs with popcorn music and clowns, charge a small entrance fee to cover the cost of the electricity for the chair, even the accused could be made to feel better about dying by being forced to sleep with Osamas wife the night berfore in order to prove life is not worth living! come on guys give it some thought and prove the cradle of capitalism and enterprise still has a pulse (unlike the accused)




  1. We are about ready to do this here in America - but the recent high energy costs made the entrance fees too costly.

    So as soon as the new solar electric chair is unveiled, the jolting will commence.

    There is also a lot of pressure of the solar electric chair inventor - the nuclear chair is very close to perfection - so were not quite sure yet which chair will prevail.

  2. brits are worse then americans.. what are u talking about?

  3. This sounds more like something France would have exploited.   You know us Yanks.  We tend to be a bit puritanical.  

  4. Do we still use the chair?  I thought everybody went the needle route - once execution became a pharmaceutical event, we found it was easier to exploit people taking Viagra - I'll take wallowing in some loser's sexual dysfunction over stale popcorn any day.  

    We actually did use to make a day of it - if you've ever caught "Hang'em High" w/Clint Eastwood, it was exactly like that.  But nbody had YouTube back then, and if we tried pulling that stuff today, Tivo would put us out of business.

    "even the accused could be made to feel better about dying by being forced to sleep with Osamas wife the night berfore in order to prove life is not worth living!"

    He's got several, doesn't he.  From what I hear, at least one of them is quite hot.  Sure, he dresses in rags, lives in a cave, and he's still waiting for a big follow-up after 9/11, but he still gets some good, um, skin.

    "prove the cradle of capitalism and enterprise still has a pulse."

    Wasn't Germany the cradle of capitalism?  Isn;t that where Marx wrote "Das Kapital"?  Or was it London...Hmmmm

  5. Well, the bleeding heart liberals would complain that it's cruel and inhuman punishment. Just like making a prisoner do work is.  

  6.       This from a country that made burning at the stake and drawing and quartering a public and mandatory spectacle and art form carried out by priests.

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