
Why dont these people who choose to be called australian protest to osama bin laden thats were the fault lies?

by  |  earlier

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i find that these protesters go weak at the knees when it comes to the real thing.try protesting to bin laden if you have the guts




  1. Because we are more scared of a dictator bush starting wars then a terrorist

  2. Jenny said it much more eloquently than I could.

    Osama didn't have  anything do with Iraq thats what they are protesting the illegal invasion of another country unless you can prove the link between Saddam and Osama but you wont because there isnt one they hated each other.

  3. Why should Australians protest "to" Osama Bin Laden?  Bush and Howard are the ones who are wrecking this country and destroying the (used to be) free world.  I suppose you would prefer if we all just stayed quiet and let these megalomaniacs do whatever they liked.  What heroic efforts have you made lately?

    It is actually still a free country (to a certain degree and for the time being despite Howard's efforts to make it to the contrary) so anyone who wants to protest can protest against anything they want.  Deal with it!

  4. Boney, there are some people in the world that just need a sense of something that they find in the throes of a protest.  Some of em actually go from protest to protest just to fit in with something.  

    At any rate, the anti war types just don't seem to understand that there are people in the world that wish to kill them merely because they aren't trying to kill you and me.

  5. oh go shove the pointy end of a pineapple where the sun don't shine, will you ....


    so tell me WHAT did Osuma Bin Laden HAVE to do with Iraq?????

    and the misinformation of WMD ????

    The battle with Osuma .. Is ANOTHER BATTLE ALL OVER...

    Just because people Protest bush CERTAINLY doesn't mean they support BInLaden

    EDIT: eloquently?? LOL thanks Molly ... But I don't think that my answer would score me an A+ on a report card  :)  but it IS how I feel  :)

  6. Because they don't really understand what they are protesting about. They may not even have the intellegence to understand. They only do it for the sake of being confrontational, and the chance of creating a bit of violence while they are in the comparative security of a crowd

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