
Why dont they build more prisons in the UK and why no prison for burglers?

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Are thay having a laugh? No prison for burglers?!?!?!




  1. The usual reasons, no money.  It makes me laugh when they use that excuse, perhaps they need to take all these second homes off the MP's and cut their "John Lewis Allowance" so that we can divert that cash to where it is really needed.

  2. It's a joke..If they made prison a punishment instead of bowing to all these human rights do gooders...then maybe people wouldn't want to re-offend and be back in jail...

    That's the only way they're not gonna have to cater for these low lifes!

  3. The UK is very small...theres no room! Also we are massively over-populated..I think we should have prison boats.

  4. This whole country is ridiculous, if someone broke into my house and my dog attacked them, i'd probably have to have my dog destroyed while that person got away scotch free.

    Did you know if you report someone to the police that person has a right to know who you are?

    It's the law abiding, working tax payers that support this country but if our government keep p.i.s.s.i.n.g us off then we're not going to be around much longer, it's not like its the weather keeping us here! A weeks worth of my wages goes straight to the government every month, for what!?

  5. i think thy should pack them up and put them in the military service. that whould put them in the way living ?????

  6. they are expanding the prison network,,  but it'll take a while. on the mean time we could always use the Isle of Wight?

  7. Too many people are ion prison as it is not a system that works well.    And there are many burglars in prison.

  8. Its ridiculous if they stopped paying benefits to half these scumbags they would have enough money to build more prisons, this government wastes billions of pounds on the wrong things, I read yesterday they will just give those carrying knives a ticking off, what sort of deterrent is that?

  9. burglers go to jail unless the amount they stole in money value is over a certain amount. jail and prison are 2 different things

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