
Why dont they implement the use water as alternative for gas? (since it has already been discovered and tested

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0 LIKES UnLike - one of the sites that proves water can be an alternative to gas, since the price of gas/fossil fuel is rising and rising and the earth will be running out of gas someday soon...why dont they implement it in new cars? it will be very beneficial in all aspects.




  1. Are you actually USING this system? Or are you simply assuming they're not scamming you? It IS a very old scam, you know...

  2. A fool and his money are soon parted.

  3. simply the patents were all bought out by oil companies who want to hold us to ransom until we rebel, then they will sell us water cars at an expensive price.

  4. years ago, in my small hometown in iowa, they did install a water kit on a few cars. someone came around sort of pedeling the idea, anyways they had a few bugs that couldnt be worked out. the ones around the country now, that do work right, do so by accident. someone messed up, and got it right by mistake. i know one of the problems, is here in iowa, how do you keep water from freezing, when its left outside under the hood of your car?

  5. I have investigated this site and this product and it is not all that you seem to think it is. It does not make any significant power increase nor does it increase mileage on a modern car with Electronic Fuel Injection.

    This is not the energy answer.

    BTW have you checked the price on water lately? It is costlier than gasoline.

    Plus if you are going to use electricity to create H2 then why not use the electricity to power the car and go direct to the means of propulsion?

  6. I recently did this myself on my 04 Cadillac. I don't know if it's the same company I received my information from, which is

  7. because the amount of electricity used to convert get the hydrogen exceeds the amount of energy obtained by it.

  8. HHO has been in the news alot lately.  Dispite the fact that you use more energy watt for watt to produce HHO at least the opportunity is there to cut down on the burning of fossil fuels.  Do a search on cold fusion. It's another form of energy based on H2O and there are some "backyard" labs have some very good success.

  9. I've looked into this myself, but simple physics dictates that energy doesn't get created or destroyed, it only changes. It takes more energy to separate the hydrogen and oxygen in H2O then the energy it generates to move the car. And the whole process is started by electricity anyway, so it's actually better just to skip the whole water aspect and just have an electric car.

  10. Who is "they"?

    Don't You suppose that if this technology was not a complete scam that some entrepreneur (Ron Popiel, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet...), some corporation(GE, GM, 3M, Honda, Yugo), some government (China, Japan, North or South Korea, Russia, Israel, France, Pakistan...) some America hating liberal (George Soros, Ted Turner...) would mass produce it??????????????????????????????????????...

    Or, are you retarded?

    I bet you are retarded, like Adrian (two answers above).

  11. It is much easier to 'prove' things on a website than to prove them in the real world.

    When I see claims that a kit will not invalidate the warranty on your car or truck because you can remove the kit completely before going for warranty service, an alarm bell goes off in my mind.

    They are saying that I can deceive the maker of my car. They are demonstrating that they have no ethics at all. Worse, they are trying to scam us by having us abandon ethical conduct so that we can not squeal on them. Really?

  12. Water instead of gas. I don't think so.

  13. it takes more energy to produce the hydrogen from water than the hydrogen can produce.

  14. I don't think that they are talking water, but water is a source for Hydrogen and Oxygen, as it can be easily broken down into these two elements by electrolysis, then you can either fuel a hydrogen-powered car or a hydrogen fuel cell.  The hydrogen fuel cell is a powerful battery, that has been successfully used to give weeks' worth of continuous electrical power to the space shuttle in running all of its functions, from its A/C and fan to its navigation system.  Whereas Hydrogen combustion is also very powerful, it would generate far more power per unit of mass than would gasoline or even ethanol.  And that is how water can be thought of as fuel, it is a source from which we can derive our fuel, not the fuel itself.

  15. psh yeah then the whole ocean would be gone in like morning tomorrow!

  16. very good question, I suspect that is what will happen someday water is a good answer to the problem.

    While they work on that we  need to drill off the U.S. coast like China is off the coast of Florida. Use our oil not theirs while new ways are found.

  17. The Irish have got it right.  The laws of thermodynamics are unbreakable, whether you know and understand them or not.  If you produce hydrogen and oxygen from water then its going to take about the same about of energy as you are going to get from burning hydrogen gas in oxygen.  

    Then a lot of the energy you get from burning the hydrogen and oxygen is going to wind up being wasted as heat.  So you are going to wind up going backwards.  Same goes if you use a hydrogen oxygen fuel cell to produce electricity and then use the electricity to produce more hydrogen and oxygen.  

    It would be beneficial if someone would come up with a breathairian diet where instead of eating food we could absorb all the nutrients we need from the air.  But I don't think its going to happen.

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