
Why dont they put missing children on milk cartons anymore

by  |  earlier

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i frequent the missing persons in hope to help some one

this case always makes me stop and read

and now they have new info,2933,353951,00.html

anyone by chance have any info




  1. it was to effective.

  2. cuz people dont buy milk cartons anymore and there are too many different kids the price of the advertising would be nuts so now they post pictures in wal marts and on the news and things like that  

  3. Milk company's probably did it as a service to the community and it was free & cheap for them back then. But being in a money hungry world, space is money. Also,a lot more children & adults are missing now a days. They would have to put like a different person on every 3 cartons they printed!!

    Good Luck on finding someone! That is is very good thing you do :)

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