
Why dont they tip?

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I work at a resturant and it seems that the majority of people that dont leave tips are african american. I am not racist in any way, all of the african americans i work with agree with me 100% and hate to wait on their tables. Is it because they were never taught to? Its fustrating to work your *** off for 4.60 an hour and get stiffed on a 60.00 check.




  1. OMG it is so true. I am a waitress too and black people don't tip. I am not racist in any way, I love black people and I hang out with them a lot. But they never tip ever. I think that maybe because they are poor. So any black people out there, please tip more! Its the only way we make money!

  2. Your right, when I used to wait tables, it was always a fight who would take their table.  I always did, but I remember one time, the african-american that I waited on was the president of a bank.  He not only tipped me with a $100 dollar bill, but offered me a job in a start up company.  So you never know.  And by the way, my parents don't tip c**p and they know better and their white.

  3. I dont know about the african americans, but Hispanics are just as bad. And they expect to be treated like kings and queens.

  4. i am sorry but i have no idea-maybe they really just weren't taught to or they don't have money

    also some people just don't like tipping even if they have manners it isn't all African Americans just those who don't want to

  5. I'm sorry to hear that...problem is, some folks are just plain selfish no matter who they are.  My wife and I are very generous tippers regardless of the level of service.  Generally, we start at 25 % and go up from there, depending on how good of service we get and we do take into account if the place is busy as we don't expect to get personal and immediate attention when they are running around crazy...

    Anyway, I don't have an answer for you, but just wanted to help restore your faith in mankind and let you know that there's at least one couple out there who appreciate what yall do and we put out money where our mouths are :-)

    Have a very blessed evening :-)

  6. black people make less then white people(not trying to be racist) and therefor want to save more money.  I know if i were black I'd tip becuase my parents were from NY and always taght me to.  I tip for stupid **** that no1 else usually does I go to a big school and I tip whoever brings out kegs to my car when i throw a party its just how i am

  7. I used to waitress and I only made $2.62 an hour plus tips. I am a very good tipper as long as I get good service.  Even if the food totally sucks, as long as the server does everything they can to fix the problem I still leave an excellent tip. Strippers tip even worse.
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