
Why dont vegetarians eat fish?

by  |  earlier

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i mean im consider myself a vegetarian and i eat tuna




  1. well last time i checked, a fish was an animal...

  2. For the same reason they don't eat cow, pig or chicken etc.....

    Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh and as long as you are you aren't a vegetarian yourself.

  3. Well, you can call yourself a supermodel, but that doesn't mean you are one.

    Vegetarians do NOT eat the flesh of any animal, and fish are most definitely animals.  So either stop eating the poor fishes or stop calling yourself a vegetarian.

  4. Sorry, but you are not a vegetarian.

    Vegetarians do NOT eat fish.

    Fish is an animal, vegetarians do NOT eat animals.

  5. Vegetarians eat vegetation, it's right in the name. ;o)

    I don't go by the "nothing with a face" saying. Clams, conks and snails, for example don't have faces, but they can feel pain. I don't eat anything that has a central nervous system and can feel pain, suffering and fear. Plants don't have central nervous systems.

  6. For the same reason they don't eat cow, pig or chicken etc.....

    Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh and as long as you are you aren't a vegetarian yourself.

    I know. I'm not a vegetarian. I answer all questions on behalf of my icons, the vegetarians.

  7. i am a vege but i eat all fish and crab. i dont know why but it just my fav type of food i guess....

  8. Many of the fish in my fish tank will come to the surface for food and will play with each other and seek my attention when I approach the tank.

    Interestingly, my carrots won't do that.

  9. they are animals too!! they have hearts and breathe...!!!

    I was a veggie too and I ate fish!! I'm not now though when I am older and get to choose what I want to cook myself Ill rejoin again!!!

  10. Fish really do feel pain.  Though they're not as intelligent as mammals, some people see it as unethical to eat them also.  In my opinion, a fish is MUCH more like a mammal than a plant.

  11. Some vegetarians dont because it was still killed for food

  12. Why don't vegetarians eat fish?!

    The same reason they don't eat cows, chickens etc.


    Just because it lives in the sea doesn't make it any more different.

    If you eat "tuna", your not a vegetarian.

  13. vegetarians dont eat anything with a face.

    you are not a vegetarian and i have no respect for you if you say you are one.

  14. For the same reason they don't eat cow, pig or chicken etc.....

    Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh and as long as you are you aren't a vegetarian yourself.

    I know. I'm not a vegetarian. I can only imitate only people's answers because I can't come up with an original thought.

  15. they are animals. vegetarians do not eat animals.

  16. because vegetarians don't eat animal flesh.

    fish = animal

    The Vegetarian Society says this:

    "A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with or without the use of dairy products and eggs.

    A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products.

    Types of Vegetarian

    Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian diet.

    Lacto-vegetarian. Eats dairy products but not eggs.

    Vegan. Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product."

  17. Vegetarians don't eat animals.  You are not a vegetarian.

  18. If you eat any kind of animal flesh, you're not any kind of vegetarian.

  19. Vegetarians don't eat any animal flesh, and fish are animals.

    Fish suffer when they are impaled, crushed, suffocated, or sliced open and gutted, all while they're fully conscious. Fish aren't swimming vegetables :)

    Reasons not to eat fish

  20. because if it has a face they wont eat it, thats what some say.

  21. Guess what...Tuna is flesh and vegetarians don't eat flesh.  You are not a vegetarian, you are a pescatarian.

  22. The entire point of being a vegetarian is to not eat animals.

    Fish are animals. Why some people call themselves "vegetarian" and eat animals is something I will never understand.

  23. Simply because they're animals too, and vegetarians don't eat animals.

    It's not being judgemental of people who do eat fish, but if words mean anything at all they're not vegetarians


    BTW, wouldn't it make a nice change if (**) made an actual contribution to this board, instead of copying and pasting another user's answers and then taunting him for not being a vegetarian?

    Especially as s/he's not a vegetarian either. Unimaginative, repetitive, tedious AND hypocritical - the whole package!

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