
Why dont we appriciate what immigrant do for out country?

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im talking about USA btw.

People dont see more than what they want. This people do work, WORK that we dont want!!! They bring jobs to our country such as chinesse, mexican, italian, so on restaurants. Dont we like their food? ah? We learn defferent cultures??




  1. Like increase the educational standards in public schools?  I love your attempt at a sentence, as it speaks for itself.

  2. Americans appreciate what LEGAL immigrants do!

    Who do you think did the jobs that ILLEGALS are doing before we were INVADED by these criminals???????????    Americans did and we'd do them again!!!

  3. Immigrants are fine, and welcome.  ILLEGAL immigrants are breaking the law by their very presence and need to be removed.

  4. I totally appreciate what LEGAL immigrants have done to build this country and be productive members of society.

    I am a descendant of immigrants who worked hard and made lives for themselves and sacrificed a lot for the future of their families. I will be forever grateful to them.

    I do not want ILLEGAL ALIENS on American soil. You come here the way LEGAL IMMIGRANTS did and I will welcome you with open arms.

    Otherwise, get the h**l out.

  5. Because they don't come here to make our lives better.  They come here to make their own lives better so people don't feel they owe them appreciation any more than anyone else who works for a living.

  6. ummm....we were doing just fine before the illegal ones came here.

    how can we work the jobs if they are taking them over???

    right now i will work anywhere, i don't care where it is...this is how desperate some unemployed americans are.

    and if things were so great, the economy wouldn't be going downhill and the unemployment rates wouldn't be going sky high.

    it's obvious you are an immigrant...

  7. While we do need to make legal immigrantion more accessible, many of us do appreciate our illegal buddies. they do a lot for us everyday if suddenly they vanished overnight this country would be a mess...

  8. And what country are you speaking of?  Surely, not the United States of America!

  9. Legal immigrants are welcomed with open arms.

    Illegal criminal alien invaders do not belong here and need to go back to their own cesspool countries.

  10. Don't ask the people on here! there are a lot of Good Caring Citizens that do appreciate this, but unfortunately, most of them aren't on here.

    HA HA! see! you mention "IMMIGRANTS", and they automatically assume you are talking about illegal immigrants.

  11. For every job done by an illegal alien, you can find Americans doing the same. At our family farms, we turn away illegals who turn up wanting jobs. It got ugly a time or two and tires were slashed. We have NO trouble hiring Americans, because we pay decent wages.

    I certainly appreciate what immigrants do for our country, and that starts with their decision to legally enter. Illegal aliens are not immigrants, but trespassers.

  12. Its not immigrants, its illegal immigrants that cause the problem for so many, myself included. I immigrated here 7 years ago, legally. It really bothers me, probably more so then natural born citizens, because I had to go through the proper channels, pay the fees and show up at the interviews. I'm a naturalized citizen and take offense of people skipping the work involved to have the privilege to live here. Everyone has the same opportunity to be here legally.

  13. WE do appreciate what LEGAL immigrants do for this country. We DO NOT appreciate the impunity with which ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS break our laws.

  14. We do appreciate what the immigrants do for our country.  Our country though, is getting filled up and more immigrants start looking like a bad idea when you don't have pure water, and good roads.  But in addition, this coungress does not do as the people ask.. they simply do as the party dictates.

    We do NOT appreciate what the illegal aliens are doing to our country.. at all.  

    Some 300 billion in welfare yearly, and they have to have it to survive because they cannnot get jobs that pay a living wage.

    They have the highest percentage of people in the nations jails.

    They have created enormous difficulty, and with the permission of George Bush, Obama and McCain, in our schools, and I am not sure at all we will be able to turn that around.

    On and on.

    Immigrants are fine.. we need to think about it, and plan for it now.

    Illegal aliens are very, very expensive and NOT fine at all.

  15. I really don't see the US removing the illegals out of the country.It would take them at least 100 years going by their track record. If we had a large chunk of our manufacturing jobs back from China it would help.

  16. Just to clarify, illegals are not mine or anyone I knows "buddies". They are criminals.

    If the U.S. needed them, they wouldn't call them illegal.

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