
Why dont we bring australian rules football to india..?????

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Why dont we bring australian rules football to india..?????




  1. Because it's called AUSTRALIAN rules football. Get it, not Indian Rules football.

  2. y not if it for a good reason? (well I don't know the aussie's rules. U can give me more details abt that to my mail- I'd like to know about it.

    Thanks ! :-)

  3. Australian football is played in many countries and an international competition is held every three years in Australia. The only country not allowed to play is Australia. The current world champions are New Zealand, I think, but it could be Ireland.

    The big problem with international games is the size of the field needed to play. Cricketing nations have the ovals but countries that don't play cricket don't have too many sporting fields big enough. India as  cricketing nation could play Australian football but there are two other problems - the heat and the hardness of the ground. India is mostly tropical and is hot all year round.

    I am sure, however, that if people wanted to play, they would get support from the AFL as many other countries have done.

  4. good idea.

  5. The players wouldn't survive the brutal heat.

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