
Why dont we have a national boycott for one day with these big oil companies?

by  |  earlier

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and litterally cripple them. They depend on us, and have made 40 million dollars in profit last year. Why dont we all as a nation, for one day, around memorial day all get together and not buy gas!!! This has totally gotten out of hand. Our nation has gone down the tubes. This is NO SLOWDOWN , Mr. President. THIS IS A RECESSION. When the cost of living , exceeds our paychecks, it is a recession. .




  1. A one-day boycott will do no good as we must learn to curb our insatiable appetite for oil on a year-round basis. A symbolic effort is just that, a token! SUV drivers will line up at the pump the next day to fill up again! Short-term protests for a problem that deserves a long-term solution will not do. I will leave the definition of "recession" to somebody better versed in Economics  :)

  2. So instead of buying 5 gallons of gas on Monday, we buy 10 on Tuesday.  So what happens if they drop the price .07 on Monday to entice buyers then raise it .11 on Tuesday to bring in even more money?  The answer lies in not using the fuel, not postponing it for a day.  As a nation the US wastes more than many nations consume.  Spend a couple hours at a busy urban intersection and count the number of battle-barge SUV's rumbling down the road with only a driver.  Same thing with mid to full size SUV's.  We consume in excess then demand that the government intervene to make it affordable.

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